If you’re waiting to jump onto the bandwagon of creating beautiful and trendy looking concrete driveways, then you’ve arrived at the right spot. Nowadays, with the introduction of exposed aggregate concrete driveways, your next project for paving around your business or home has become much more exciting than what it used to be.

Therefore, in this article, we’ll be sharing some in-depth information regarding exposed aggregate concrete mixes on what they are and also their various types, so that you can have a clear understanding when starting your next concrete driveway project – with the help of aggregate concrete driveway services.

What Do You Mean By An Exposed Aggregate Concrete?

Exposed aggregate concrete is defined by a combination of various materials which are aggregated from man-made, natural and recycled sources. The aggregated concrete can be made using sand, concrete, gravel along with crushed stones.

It should be noted that exposed aggregate concrete mixes that are used for decorative purposes are generally made using the above items and thereby provide eye-catching results for an extremely affordable price. For more information check https://www.concreters-goldcoast.com.au/ .

How Does The Exposed Aggregate Concrete Looks Like?

When it comes to looks, exposed aggregate concrete resembles almost like marble or granite. The main transformation occurs when the actual mix is poured into the driveway and then when it dries up – it’s polished to give a nice sheen.

There’s no denying that the end product will turn out to be extremely beautiful. Moreover, some people even proceed to use recycled exposed aggregate concrete mainly to aim for a sustainable environment.

concrete mix

It should be remembered that the process of exposed aggregate concrete has been used for over 100 years now and nowadays the method has given way to more creative & artistic touches from various contractors. Moreover, it’s durable & skid resistant and can be reliably used to create long driveways. 

What Are Some Of The Different Types Of Exposed Aggregate Concrete Mixes?

The different types of exposed aggregate concrete mixes can be segregated in terms of their colours. For instance, it can come in a variety of shades such as black, grey and tan. The colours are dependable on the types of stones that are used in the mixes, which can be either granite, quartz, recycled glass, basalts or even seashells as well.

If the mixes are derived from natural elements like these, then the colours will include pinks, reds or even rose-tinted hues. You can even find blue coloured hues as well. At the end of the day, the available set of colours will turn out to be visually endless and thereby you can imagine any type of application for your driveway.

Mixes can also be differentiated by their shape, size or even hardness. The shape will control the texture and pattern of the overall mix. For example, if the aggregate is rounded in shape, then it will turn out to be smooth.