Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, people have to stay at home. Already, the businesses and education institutions have switched to remote working and learning. In the past, big companies were reluctant to allow their employees to work from home. But now, it has become the new normal.

Employees are subscribing to affordable plans like Spectrum Internet packages and downloading online collaboration tools at a rapid rate. They are also fixing working hours to achieve the same level of productivity at home. And as the employees embrace the change, their homes will become the perfect workplace for them.

Disadvantages of Remote Working

Working from home has its own set of downsides. Here are a few of them:


In an office environment, it is easier for people to do work. This is because there are fewer distractions. Also, everybody around you is working. So, you stay focused most of the time.

In a home environment, it is very difficult to find the motivation. You can also become distracted by the house chores and TV. So, it is quite difficult not to lose focus at home.

Undefined Working Hours

When you are working from home, you can’t distinguish between working and free hours. This is because every team member is performing the tasks according to his/her own schedule. So, you might end up feeling like you are working all the time. Therefore, it can be difficult to find free time. You can also become exhausted while working remotely.

Advantages of Remote Working

Apart from some obvious disadvantages, working from home has several advantages as well and you can achieve all the goals by using employees monitoring software.

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Better Team Collaboration

Work from home has forced people to engage with each other effectively. In an office setting, people could keep working on their tasks only. So, they could avoid their team members in normal circumstances.

Now, to manage various tasks, it is very important for people to interact with each other. It can improve people’s productivity. And help them in building stronger relationships with their colleagues.

More Innovation

In the past, employers hardly used to take any suggestions from their employees seriously. The main reason behind this was that they didn’t want to disturb the underlying dynamics.

Now, in this new environment, employers are more open to getting suggestions from employees. The new ideas from the employees can help in enhancing performance. It can also help in boosting the company’s growth.

More Free Time

If the employee successfully fixes his/her working hours, he/she can save a lot of time. Employees don’t need to waste time commuting and getting ready for the office anymore.

Plus, if they avoid distractions, they can complete their work on time. In their spare time, they can engage in entertaining activities. They can also spend quality time with their families to refresh themselves.

More Sensitivity

People in an office setting hardly know about each other’s personal life and issues. As everyone is working from home nowadays, employees can communicate their concerns with their employers easily.

This can encourage the development of better relationships between employers and employees. And better relationships can, in turn, translate into enhanced productivity.

Some Widespread Trends

Some trends around the world indicate how remote working is becoming the new normal and what are some of the challenges in its pathway.

Performance Level

It has been a popular belief that work from the home situation will severely affect people’s productivity. But quite contrary to it, productivity has remained static in several countries. In some countries, it has enhanced as well. People in these countries are using online tools to perform everyday tasks. They are also learning new things through free online courses.

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In some countries, productivity has decreased due to this switch. This is because the conditions have been different. Lack of knowledge and lack of access to online tools have been some of the biggest reasons behind this trend. Fewer training sessions have also impacted this trend.

Thus, it can be assumed that with a sudden shift to the online world because of the pandemic, the major reason that has affected the productivity of the employees working remotely is unawareness or inaccessibility to various advanced tools that can be used to track the work done by the employees. This realisation is the reason why many businesses are on the lookout for tools to ensure the best performance from their employees. A lot of business contacts have also been asking us about monitoring employee productivity (and especially for remote staff) so we did a lot of research into that and found the best computer monitoring software for businesses, so have a look there if you need such a solution.

Team Collaboration Tools

As mentioned above, productivity is directly related to access to online tools and learning reserves. In developed countries, these tools are widely available. Also, most companies facilitate their employees by providing them with these tools for free.

These tools can help people to stay on top of things. In developing countries, however, not everybody can afford them. This is because technologies like the Internet extra are not widely available in these countries. Therefore, working from home can’t reap the same benefits. So, it is important to first provide these tools to the employees. Then, the employees should work from home.

Importance of Educating

Finally, if we want to turn remote working into a new normal, then we’ll have to educate people. Everything ranging from e-commerce to Spectrum bill pay can be easily managed online. And people can easily manage their businesses and jobs remotely.

By educating the masses about these processes and tools, they’ll be able to subscribe to Internet packages and manage bills on their own. Also, they’ll be able to learn new skills and manage various tasks online. Nowadays, many big companies are investing in launching free online tools/courses. These tools can help employees that are working from home effectively.