As people slowly transition to becoming more eco-wise, it’s important to remember that there are many ways we can protect our planet right from the comfort of our homes.

Whether you’re deeply passionate about saving the environment from climate change or just simply want to recycle more, you can integrate changes into your daily routine that can reduce landfill waste, promote cleaner air and preserve ecosystems!

When it comes to choosing the ways to go green, changes can be however small or large. Either way, the impact of your choices remains just as powerful!

Here are 7 ways to go green at home that can promote a safer, cleaner environment for generations to come.

7 Impactful Ways to Go Green at Home

Even the smallest of changes can move us closer to a greener, more sustainable world! Set an example for your children and your neighbors with these 7 easy ways to go green.

Zero Energy

1. Turn out the Lights

Looking for a way to cut down energy costs? One of the easiest ways to do this is to turn off the lights when you leave a room.

It sounds simple, but an American study found that 90 percent of people said either they or someone in their household forgets to turn the lights off when they leave a room.

By getting into the habit of switching the lights off, you’re not only conserving energy but also slashing the cost of your electric bills!

2. Conserve Water

Every year, over 1 trillion gallons of water gets wasted in American households. Whether this waste is from lengthy showers, brushing your teeth while the sink runs or even leaky faucets, it’s obvious that even the slightest conscious effort can fix the problem.

Luckily, limiting your family’s water usage is also one of the easiest ways you can go green at home! You use water every day, so here’s how you can conserve it and save energy:

• Take short, cooler showers.
• Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when there’s a full load.
• Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth.
• Harvest rainwater to water your household plants or your garden.

Practicing water efficiency will not only save you money in the end but will also reduce you and your family’s water footprint.

3. Try Reusable Bags

You’ve seen the images of helpless sea creatures entangled in plastic. You know how harmful unnecessary things like plastic bags are to wildlife and the environment in general. So, how can you make sure you aren’t contributing to the amount of plastic that is dumped into our oceans?

Next time you go to the grocery store, take reusable bags!

Using reusable bags instead of plastic bags from the store is a growing movement. More and more people are catching on to the trivial nature of the dreaded plastic grocery bag and the environment is thanking them!

Just a single trip to the grocery store with these sustainable bags can decrease pollution and protect wildlife.

4. Install Solar Panels

The most abundant resource on earth is solar energy. One way you can harness the power of the sun at home is by installing solar panels!

There are many reasons why more than 12 million American homes have made the switch to solar energy, and here are just a few:

• Solar panels significantly lower their electric bills.
• Installation improves the value of their home.
• Solar panels reduce the entire family’s carbon footprint.

So, how long do solar panels last? The short answer: a long time. Most solar panels can last up to 30 years!

If you’re ready to stop wasting money on electricity and go solar, check out the quality equipment at Enlyten Energy.

5. Use Less Paper Towels

Each year, more than 13 billion pounds of paper towel waste is accumulated in the United States alone. Globally, the burden of paper towel trash is some 254 million tons!

Paper towels are wasteful products that are immediately thrown into the trash after one use. One way you can cut down the amount of waste that gets sent to landfills is by reducing your household’s paper towel usage.

Luckily, there are many alternatives to paper towels that can provide your family with easy ways to go green. Here are a few of our favorite:

• Use washable cloth napkins at dinner instead of paper napkins or towels.
• Keep a stack of clean dishtowels or rags near each sink in the house.
• Use microfiber cleaning cloths.

6. Travel Smarter

In addition to releasing many other gasses harmful to both humans and the environment, motor vehicles contribute to over half of the world’s carbon monoxide pollution.

Every time you get into your fossil-fueled car to go run errands, your vehicle emits greenhouse gasses that damage the climate irreversibly. This is why it’s so important to travel smarter, like participating in a daily carpool or using public transportation systems!

Biking to work or the store is another way you can go green. Not only is there one less car on the road, but you’re also saving money on gas and getting some great exercise, too!

7. Recycle Paper, Plastic and Glass

Recycling is one of the best ways to go green at home. And you can make it fun, too!

By recycling items, you’re reducing the amount of pollution that’s caused by waste. You’re also saving recyclable items from being sent to landfills or getting dumped into the ocean.

You can give a second life to products that can be recycled! Here are some common household items that you and your family can have fun collecting and recycling:

• Empty water and soda bottles
• Aluminum cans
• Glass bottles and jars
• Milk and juice jugs
• Newspaper
• Cardboard boxes

Recycling also reduces the demand for raw materials which means that rainforests and other precious ecosystems can be preserved.

Go Green

save energy california

The choices we make in our homes can play a huge role in protecting our beautiful planet. Make a few of these easy ways to go green a habit for your family this year so you can start making an impact!

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