It’s a known fact most people will likely need a lawyer at some point in their life.

Hopefully, it’s for something relatively innocent, like business or tax advice.

But some situations may be more consequential and require an attorney.

You may be asking yourself, do I need a lawyer or not? Check out this guide to common situations when it’s in your best interest to speak with a lawyer.

Yes, I Need a Lawyer

There are some occasions in life when you need a lawyer. They range in levels of seriousness.

You may be asking for advice on a business matter. You may need representation to save you from spending years in prison.

Even though most of us have a normal inclination to stay away from complicated legal issues, there might be times where we will have to lawyer up! Sometimes, people would want to take undue advantage and file fraudulent claims. However, if you have the right legal attorney to support you, will be able to get the best justice. If you wish to know more about how to select the best legal attorney to represent you, please visit website.


Here are the seven most common situations where you’ll want to have a lawyer on your side.

1. Someone Sues You

An estimated 40 million people get sued in the U.S. every year. At this rate, you have a way better chance of being sued than winning the lottery.

Liability tends to increase the closer you work with people.

But don’t be fooled. Just because you’re selling bolo ties on Etsy, doesn’t mean you can’t be sued just as soon as any neurosurgeon.

Likely? No. Within the realm of possibility? Absolutely. Someone just has to cinch that bolo a little too tight. Then, hello lawsuit!

If you find yourself in a civil lawsuit, such as a contract disagreement, or some other situation where someone accuses you of “wronging” them, get legal help.

2. You’re Facing Criminal Charges

When it comes to gravity, civil charges pale in comparison to criminal charges.

Facing criminal charges often means serious jail time. Criminal charges can devastate the lives of the accused as well as their families.

With all criminal charges, including something like a drug charge, you’ll need an attorney.

If you don’t hire an attorney, the public defender, (the one appointed to you) is the one who’ll be helping you.

Public defenders are classically overwhelmed, which means they are almost always likely to plea.

If you are genuinely innocent of serious charges, you may consider doing anything you can to hire an attorney.

If this may mean asking family for help or tapping into retirement. Hiring an attorney might prove a life-saving investment.

3. Estate Matters

Ideally, when someone dies, and they have assets left over, they leave a will. Unfortunately, not everyone does this.

When a loved one dies without a will, the family may face the additional turmoil of dividing up the estate.

In this situation, you will need an attorney specializing in estate law, a probate lawyer.

Probate lawyers can also help in estate planning, helping to avoid estate disputes later on.

4. Divorce

Many divorces are amicable. Some are not.

Some divorces are particularly nasty or contentious.

Divorces that involve high degrees of hostility combined with assets or child custody can pose unique challenges.

Despite their reputation, divorce lawyers can prove indispensable when a marriage goes to splitsville.

5. Cases that Involve Bodily Injury

Whether it’s a car accident where you’re at fault or slip-and-fall that occurred at a building you own, bodily injury cases can turn legal, fast.

Bodily injuries are civil matters and include the infamous personal injury lawsuit.

Cases involving injury can be costly. From medical bills to lost wages, someone can sue you for a lot of money if they think you’re at fault for their injuries.

You may need an attorney even if someone doesn’t sue. If they are claiming their injuries on your auto or renter’s insurance, you’ll still want a lawyer representing you.

Their claim may be false or exaggerated, or they may decide to sue if they want more than what your insurance covers.

If someone gets injured on your watch, you’re better off with an attorney in most cases.

6. Bankruptcies

There’s not an option here. You legally cannot file for bankruptcy without an attorney

7. DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI) cases usually require a lawyer if you want to avoid the maximum penalty.

DUIs are increasingly a severe crime, and the law can come down hard on you if you’re found guilty.

A lawyer may be able to negotiate a more lenient sentence, much more than if you tried to go it alone.

Other Situations That May Require an Attorney

Still asking yourself, do I need a lawyer?

4 Instances When You Might Need to Consult an Injury Lawyer

Consider some of these other situations that may require an attorney:

The Party Has an Attorney

If your opponent has legal representation, you’ll be out-gunned. Time to lawyer up.

You Risk Losing A lot of Money 

If a small fortune is on the line, a lawyer is probably a wise investment.


If there are significant consequences to a deal going smoothly, you’ll want to get legal help.

You Are Representing Your Child

Odd as it may sound, you may find yourself going up against an institution like your child’s school. If your child has special needs that a public school system isn’t fulfilling, you may need an attorney who focuses on special education law.

Business Start-Ups

You’ll want to be on solid legal ground when starting a business. A business lawyer can help you navigate these initial phases, so you don’t get caught up, especially with the taxman

No, I Don’t Need a Lawyer.

There are some legal situations you can likely navigate fine on your own.

Most traffic tickets and small claims court cases won’t require you to have legal help.

Automobile Accident Lawsuits- What You Need to Know

In these cases, it might even be an added liability, not worth the cost.

Finally, if you’re in a case you don’t want to contest, you likely won’t need a lawyer.

A Word of Caution

A final message when asking yourself, do I need a lawyer?

Whatever you do, don’t pursue legal action out of emotion.

If something about a disagreement infuriates you based on principle, it may be time to take a few steps back.


After all, the law doesn’t operate on emotion. When entering into a legal battle, neither should you.

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