Unfortunately, if you regularly drive in San Diego, then you will be involved in a car accident sooner or later. Our team of San Diego car accident lawyers have decades of experience, and we have seen it all! If you or someone you love have been involved in a car accident it can be a confusing time. Ensure you speak to a car accident lawyer as soon as possible, and we can help advise you.


When a car accident occurs, both your and the other party’s insurance companies aim to pay as little compensation as possible. No one will inform you of your legal rights or the best course of action. You need to contact a car accident lawyer who can take a lot of stress off your plate. The experienced car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm can make a big difference in your case if they are employed from the start. If you don’t have insurance or cannot afford your health care deductions, then we will assist you.

Why Should I Hire a San Diego Car Accident Lawyer?

Most people think that they can save money by handling car accident claims by themselves. Car accident claims are very complex, and you risk not receiving your full entitlement if you handle it improperly. If there are questions about liability following a car accident, you risk placing more blame on yourself and thus reducing your compensation.

What to Do After a Car Accident- Your Complete Guide

While California state law gives you the right to handle your claim, it will cause extra stress while you should be recovering. Additionally, you will not have the experience to see when an insurance company is trying to lowball you. Our car accident lawyers will be able to tell you if you are being offered a fair settlement or not. They will also be able to negotiate a better offer on your behalf.

The car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm help with the following aspects of your claim:

• Determining the liable parties in the car accident
• Calculating your entitled compensation
• Completing the paperwork and filing your claim
• Gathering the supporting evidence necessary
• Gathering proof of your damages
• Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf
• Advocating for the settlement you deserve
• Taking unreasonable insurers to court.

From the moment you employ our car accident lawyers we will take over your case so you can focus on your recovery. Many people will accept lowball settlements without calculating the actual cost of their injuries. This happens because they don’t have the energy, resources, or time to argue for a fair settlement. We do have the time, resources, and energy to stand up for your needs so contact our car accident lawyers today. We offer free consultations so you can see how we can help your specific case.

Why Discussing Your Accident With a San Diego Car Accident Lawyer Is Important

Car accidents are often more complex than they seem, especially when multiple vehicles are involved. These upsetting situations call for a team of car accident lawyers with compassion, tenacity, and decades of experience. We will take all of the stress out of the situation and get you the best possible result.


The car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm hold their family values dear. We hold our family values dear and operate with integrity, compassion, and respect. We put the clients first in everything we do and have a track record for working tirelessly. At Nakase Law firm,our car accident lawyers will not rest until they have recovered as much as possible in damages. You will not pay our car accident lawyers a cent until we have won your case.

Insurance companies will try to deny your claim. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible in compensation so they can keep their profit. They will record every phone call and analyze every word to use against you. Do not speak to an insurance company and do not sign anything until you speak to one of our San Diego car accident lawyer.

What To Do Following A Car Accident In San Diego

Car accidents are extremely traumatic experiences. Following an accident, you can be shaken and go into shock. There might be multiple injured people, and you might even be injured yourself. Until the authorities arrive, it can be confusing, and everyone will be unsure what to do. There are some steps you can take to put you in the best position for future claims.

No matter what, you need to put your health first. If you are seriously injured, do not do anything to make your injury worse. These steps are only to be taken if you are physically able to do them. They will help you look after your health and your rights.

Important Steps To Take At The Scene If You Are Involved In A Car Accident.

Make the area safe. If the car accident was minor then move the cars to the side of the road. Getting out of traffic to prevent further accidents is an important step. If anyone is injured or if it would be more dangerous to move your car then leave them where they are. If you are able to, leave your vehicle and move to a safe place.
A Guide on the Average Car Accident Lawyer Fees You Can Expect to Pay
• Call 911. Even if the accident was minor the police can produce accident reports and help to divert traffic. Make sure you speak to the officer so they get your version of events in their report. This police report will be used as evidence in the future so try and think through everything before you say it. If you mention that you were distracted or not watching the road for a second insurance companies might argue your liability. Another benefit of calling the authorities is that everyone involved will get prompt medical attention. Even if you feel fine, be sure to get medical attention. Many people don’t feel the extent of their injuries following an accident because of shock or adrenaline. If you are told to go in an ambulance to the emergency room,then be sure to do that.


Think Of Your Case While At The Scene Of The Accident

• Exchange information. Be sure to exchange information with the other parties. You will need names, contact numbers license plates, and insurance information. Be sure to get the names and contact details of any witnesses or people that stop to assist at the scene. If police or paramedics are present, be sure to get their names too.
• Take photos: If you are able to do so take photos of the entire scene and the cars involved. Photos of the damage to each of the cars and the debris on the road will assist your claim. Photos of the weather conditions, tire marks on the road, and road condition will all be helpful as well.

What To Do Once You Have Left The Scene Of An Accident

• Visit the ER. Even if you are advised by paramedics that you don’t need medical attention it is wise to visit the ER. Any of your crash-related injuries will be documented and you can be treated for injuries you can’t feel because of adrenaline. If you feel stiff or sore, or mild pain after a crash they can be more serious injuries that require medical attention. A timely diagnosis of injuries is not only important for a claim but also for your health.
• Call a car accident lawyer. Once you have received medical treatment contact the car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm. They will help you make a claim with insurance companies. We will also help you assemble the details that you need while submitting a claim.

What Do I Do If Liability Isn’t Clear In A Car Accident?

In some car accidents liability is very clear. A driver will be obviously drunk, or someone will have sent a text message moments before the accident. However, in a lot of cases identifying the cause of a car accident is difficult. At Nakase Law Firm we employ a team of investigators and car accident experts. When you hire one of our car accident lawyers you get our team of experts as well. They will look through all the evidence and help determine blame and liability. Our car accident lawyers will gather this evidence to present along with your claim. Presenting clear evidence of liability alongside a claim will ensure a better settlement from the start. We will not stop until you receive all the compensation you are entitled to.

How Do You Gather Evidence After A Car Accident?

There are many steps involved in investigating car accidents.

• Examining the scene. Our investigators and car accident lawyers will visit the scene of the accident. They will compare the scene and your photos or those taken by the police. Often our experts can see signs of liability that untrained eyes can’t. Things like tire tracks, damage to cars, and the angle of collision can show liability.
• Checking video surveillance. There are cameras everywhere, outside shops, in parking lots, on apartment buildings, at intersections, and street lights. Sometimes accidents will be captured on dash cams or cellphones too. Our car accident lawyers will search for video evidence of your accident to use as liability evidence.
• Digital evidence. Our car accident lawyers will examine social media accounts, phone records, and credit card statements of all parties. This can show if they were at a bar drinking before the accident, or if they were texting while driving.

Other Ways To Gather Evidence After A Car Accident

• Interviewing witnesses. Our car accident lawyers and investigators can interview witnesses to get a full picture of the accident. They will often have other perspectives and give insight into other causes of the accident. The crash may have come out of nowhere for you, but another driver might have seen the driver texting or driving poorly. Witness accounts can help support your version of events.
• Convictions or citations given at the scene. When the police arrive at the scene of an accident, they will try and understand the cause. They will be able to determine if the driver was drunk, speeding, running red lights, or driving aggressively. If they find wrongdoing by one of the parties they will issue citations or arrest them. This is compelling evidence of negligence for your claim.
• Expert analysis. If our car accident lawyers or investigators suspect that road hazards or defective car parts caused the crash, we will speak to an expert. We can get experts to investigate if a manufacturer is at fault for selling defective vehicles. Also we can investigate if road design or maintenance was behind the crash.
Car Accident insurance

Who Do I File An Insurance Claim With?

Sometimes the liable parties in car crashes are individual drivers, but other times they are government entities, or corporations. This all depends on the cause of the accident and our investigators and car accident lawyers will determine this.

If the negligent driver was in the scope of their duties when the accident happened then the company they work for might also be liable. The employer is accountable for the negligence of their employees while they are operating in the scope of their job.

Our car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm always check if a company may be liable. This is important as companies will have larger insurance policies than an individual driver. If your injuries are severe and you calculate serious loss of property and wages, then you will be more likely to cover these costs.

Car Accident insurance

Once our car accident lawyers have thoroughly investigated the car accident they will present evidence with your claim. Alongside the evidence our car accident lawyers will present evidence of your damages. This can include:

• Medical bills following the accident
• Medical expert opinions on future treatment you will require.
• Timesheets or paystubs as evidence of absence from work.
• Medical or occupational experts’ testimony proving the duration of your inability to work.
• Medical experts’ testimony of pain and suffering, and permanent effect of your physical injuries.
• Mental health experts’ testimony of mental trauma or PTSD you experience and their effect on your life.

Frequently Asked Questions After a Car Accident

Following an accident you may have many questions. Some of these answers will come to light right away while others will come to light later on. If you are wondering whether to seek the advice of a car accident lawyer consider the following:

Were There Any Serious Injuries Or Fatalities?

The first step when you are injured in a car accident is to seek medical help. After you have received medical attention then contact the car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm. They will help you calculate the cost of your injuries.

Is There Damage to Any of the Vehicles?

When you’re involved in a car accident there can often be serious damage to your car. If you rely on your car to get to school, work, or other obligations it can be devastating to lose your car. You deserve compensation for the damage to your car. Our car accident lawyers can assist you with claiming the damage to your vehicle.

Have The Police Been Involved?

police accident 911 ambulance

If the accident isn’t minor it is important to call 911. The police can assist in controlling traffic and investigating the causes of the accident. If there has been a violation of traffic law,then liable parties might be arrested or charged. If this happens our car accident lawyers can use this as evidence in your claim.

Do You Need To Pay Medical Or Insurance Costs?

personal injury lawyer

If there are no financial losses following a crash, then you are not due any compensation. If you have minor medical bills or minor damage to your car you still can receive compensation for those costs. Medical bills can be anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to millions of dollars. Not all health insurance will cover car crash injuries as they expect the liable party’s insurance to cover costs. No matter what, if there is money to claim, then call a car accident lawyer.

Have All Drivers Fulfilled Their Legal Responsibilities?

California law states that all drivers must not leave the scene of an accident until aid has been rendered and information exchanged. Aside from that, the responsibilities of each driver will depend on who is liable for the crash. Any drivers that didn’t act negligently have a right to file claims against the negligent driver. The negligent driver will need to call their insurance company as they will need to compensate the victims. In many car accidents there is more than one responsible party. Contact the car accident lawyers at Nakase Law Firm to investigate your car accident.

How Much Will I Be Paid In A Settlement?

Settlements are based on many factors. These include:

• Your injuries
• The cost of your medical bills, both current and future
• If you require ongoing medical attention
• Loss of income
• Capacity to work in the future
• Emotional and mental distress
• Pain and suffering
• Lasting impairments or disability
• If you were disfigured

Most people won’t know the extent of their rights for compensation. You need to consult an expert car accident lawyer like those at Nakase Law Firm to help see exactly what you can claim.

Nakase law firm offer free consultation, so come and discuss your claim with us with no obligation.

What Are The Average Settlements After A Car Accident?

Most people want to know how much they will receive in a settlement. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer as there are a lot of factors that go into calculating an amount. However, most people aren’t aware of how much they can claim until they have spoken to a car accident lawyer.

The process of transmitting claims for medical billing

Medical care in America is expensive no matter how serious your injuries are. Here are some examples of what your medical costs can be:

• Ambulance transport is approximately $1,000
• Visiting the emergency room can cost between $1,000 and $20,000 depending on the treatment needed.
• Overnight stays in hospital are $2,750 per night.
• Surgery costs tens of thousands of dollars.
• Physical therapy can cost around $350 for each session.

If injuries are severe additional costs such as the ICU, assisted living, home health care, and buying medical equipment can add up quickly.

Every single accident victim we speak to has different costs following their car crash. No matter how much your losses are you are entitled to compensation from the liable party. You should not have to pay for someone else’s negligence.

What Constitutes Pain and Suffering After a Car Accident?

Under California state law, car accident victims are able to claim for pain and suffering they experience. It can be hard to put a number on pain and suffering though. Pain and suffering can refer to physical pain as well as mental and emotional. It can be hard to put a number on pain and suffering, be sure to contact a pain and suffering lawyer to assist you.

How Much Compensation Am I Due For Pain And Suffering After A Car Accident?

Firstly calculate how many days you dealt with the injury. You could calculate a daily rate for pain and suffering. Alternatively, you could compare your economic damages to your pain and suffering request.

There is no formula for working out the compensation for pain and suffering. Many factors go into the calculation. It is important for our car accident lawyers to have all of the details about your case to help calculate pain and suffering compensation.

The insurance company of the negligent driver will reach out to you right away after a car accident. Their calls are all recorded, and they hope to record you saying things that they can use to reduce your compensation. Even something as simple as saying “good thanks” when they ask “how are you?” can reduce your settlement. They will argue that you don’t have pain and suffering rather than it being a normal thing to say.

So that we can protect you from the tactics of insurance companies, our car accident lawyers will negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf.

The Insurance Process

All insurance companies are looking to reduce their accident payout and therefore protect their profits. Most of their staff have incentives to try and find ways to reduce compensation.

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Their tactics work because most people assume insurance companies are there to help them. Also, a lot of people don’t fully understand the process of filing an insurance claim. Often people will accept a settlement that sounds like a lot of money. However, they don’t take into account the full cost of their injuries both in the present and the future. It is best to have a car accident lawyer handling your case and dealing aggressively with the insurance companies.

Filing A Claim

Filing a claim for your damages is the first step in an insurance claim. Before you do this, you want to have a full understanding of the cost of your injuries and losses. This includes past, current, and future costs that were directly caused by the car accident. Most people underestimate their damages as they don’t take into account everything they can claim for. Therefore not many people receive adequate compensation if they don’t have a car accident lawyer on their side. Our car accident lawyer will assist you in calculating every single dollar you are entitled to. From there, we will fight and advocate for you until you receive every penny of that.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

Following a car accident, you should expect to hear from an insurance company, either yours or that of the negligent driver. This can happen either once you’ve filed a claim, or sometimes even directly following the accident. The insurance company will try and tell you they are on your side and act sympathetic. However, it is important to remember they are a business, and they are acting in their best interests, not yours. Sometimes they ask for a recorded statement and say that one is necessary for a claim. That is not true. You do not need to make a recorded statement unless you are suing them.


If you are to give a recorded statement, it would be a big mistake. Every single word you say will be analyzed until they find a way to reduce your compensation. You should politely decline to give them anything more than your name and contact information. Employ a car accident lawyer and let them deal with the insurance companies on your behalf.

Personal Injury Lawsuits in Summary

The majority of car accident claims settle straight away and give the victims a decent settlement amount. Unfortunately, some insurance companies are reluctant to offer full compensation, especially when there are devastating injuries and long term pain and suffering. Our car accident lawyers will advocate for you to receive adequate compensation for your losses. As your San Diego personal injury lawyer, we will advise you if an insurance company is lowballing you.

If an insurance company isn’t offering fair compensation, we will take them to court. Most people haven’t had experience with a lawsuit and can find it confusing or intimidating. Our car accident lawyers will make it all simple and explain every step of the process for you. Your personal injury lawyer will help you overcome your nerves about testifying and be there to support you.

7 of the Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

With Nakase Law Firm car accident lawyers, a lawsuit is just another step in getting your compensation, and there is nothing to fear. We will fight tenaciously for your rights in court. Now if your personal injury prevents you from going to work, your employment lawyer will assist you in making a work injury claim. When you’re in California, an employment lawyer San Diego can help you with all claims.

What Happens When I File A Lawsuit?

There are a few legal terms you need to know.

• Plaintiff = the person who files the lawsuit
• Defendant = the person you are filing a lawsuit against.

First, the plaintiff’s lawyer will assemble a petition which covers all of the facts of the accident and their legal grounds for filing a lawsuit. It is important to have an experienced car accident lawyer representing you to ensure this is filed correctly.

4 Instances When You Might Need to Consult an Injury Lawyer

Once the petition is filed, summons will be served to the defendant. The defendant will have three weeks after they have been served summons to file an answer of general denial. This simply means that the defendant is asking for proof of your liability claims and the compensation you are seeking. The defendant might also file a motion to dismiss the case,and your car accident lawyer will need to request a denial from the court.

Legal procedures are complex, so it is important to have an experienced car accident lawyer that you can trust representing you.

Types Of Motor Vehicle Collisions And Their Causes

There are many factors that contribute to a car crash. In all cases, police and our investigators can decipher the causes from visiting the scenes, seeing the vehicle damage, and interviewing witnesses. Our car accident lawyers will launch their own investigation even if the cause has been determined by the police.

There are a lot of reasons behind car crashes, but these are the most common causes in San Diego:

Drink Driving

Unfortunately, the number of drunk driving cases continues to increase. People try to save money or time by driving drunk but don’t think who they might hurt. Drink driving can cause catastrophic injuries or deaths to everyone involved in an accident.

Getting a DUI: A Guide on What to Expect

Distracted Driving


There are many things that might distract you while driving. Whether it’s texting, changing the music, or talking to a passenger. The statistics put the numbers close to 20,000 accidents a year caused by distracted drivers. There is currently a ban on texting while driving in California yet the accidents don’t decrease.


Speeding is the cause of over 51,000 accidents a year in San Diego. While a lot of people think that speeding will get them somewhere faster, it greatly increases the risk of causing an accident. It is hard to react quickly, and easy to lose control while travelling at great speed.


There are some intersections in San Diego that locals know are more dangerous than others. Many times it is because of other people not acting cautiously in those intersections. People run red lights or do not yield.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions are when one vehicle runs into the back of another. Most of the time,these occur when someone isn’t paying attention in slow moving traffic and doesn’t stop in time. These are called “fender-benders.” However, even these minor rear-end crashes can cause injury and property damage.


Most of the time, it is the rear driver who caused the accident. They are often distracted, tailgating, changing lanes dangerously, drunk driving, or their brakes failed. California law requires drivers to leave a safe distance between the car ahead of you. However, this does not mean that you cannot challenge liability if you are the rear driver. Sometimes the front driver may have cut you off or slammed on the brakes or failed to yield.

Head-on Collisions

This is where two vehicles crash into the front of each other. These are the most devastating crashes as the force of the two vehicles combine when they collide. A head-on crash is more likely to cause deaths or life-threatening injuries than any other type of crash. Paramedics will be required on the scene, and permanent disability or disfigurement is likely to occur. If someone in either car is not wearing a seatbelt, then the consequences could be deadly.


Often these crashes are caused by a driver veering from their lane into oncoming traffic. Often the root cause is drunk or distracted driving.

Around San Diego head-on collisions occur most often in rural roads where visibility is poor. Drivers often speed in these areas, which means they can’t keep to their lanes when they take a bend. Also, because the roads are “quieter” they will overtake at unsafe spots. California law prohibits drivers from being in the left-hand lane in no passing areas.


Rolling a car can be an extremely scary experience. The crash is drawn out, and additional injuries can occur while the car is rolling. Certain vehicles with a higher center of gravity are more susceptible to rolls. Jeeps and SUVs quite often roll when involved in a crash. However, in certain situations can cause a rollover no matter the car type.

street accidents

Here are the circumstances which might lead to a rollover:

• Another car runs you off the road
• Hitting an object that causes a wheel to leave the ground
• Taking turns or bends too fast
• A vehicle hits the side of your car

Even if only your vehicle crashed, other motorists or factors might be responsible for your crash. For example, if you swerve to avoid someone who entered your lane and then roll your car, you would not be responsible.

Most vehicles now have reinforcements to prevent the roof of the car from collapsing when a car rolls but serious injuries can still occur. Mental trauma is also common in rollovers.

Single-vehicle Accidents

As with a rollover, a single-vehicle crash isn’t always the fault of the driver of that car. Other factors can contribute to the accident. Some of these include:

• Another vehicle enters your lane and causes you to run off the road.
• You are driving on a highway and hit a crack in the road, which makes you lose control.
• Your vehicle malfunctions while you are driving, and you lose control of your car. This could be a tire blowout, brake failure, airbag deployment, or steering failure.


There are many other causes of single-vehicle crashes with other parties responsible. A lot of the time, the responsible driver might not even be aware that they caused an accident and keep driving. These claims can be extremely complex, so it is advisable to contact a car accident lawyer to assist you. Also, passengers can make a claim against the driver of the vehicle if they are injured. No matter if the driver was a family member or a stranger, a claim can be made.

Accidents Involving Pedestrians, Cyclists, or Motorcyclists.

Not all parties involved in car accidents are cars. Under California state law, you are obligated to share the road with those who have a right to travel on the street or highway. Motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians share these spaces, and all have less protection from a collision than a car. These are the people more likely to die or sustain life-changing injuries. If you’re injured in San Diego, please contact a San Diego motorcycle accident lawyer to help with your lawsuit.

How to File for Motorcycle Accident Claims- A Step-By-Step Guide for Determining Recoverable Damages

Because motorcycles are are smaller than a car, they are often not visible to distracted or drunk drivers. This is not a valid excuse in the accident. Drivers should be alert and aware of the road and surroundings at all times. If you’re injured by a drunk driver, please contact our motorcycle accident lawyer.

Rear-end crashes with a motorcycle are devastating. As there is no barrier around the motorcyclist, they are often flung forward with momentum. A motorcycle accident lawyerwill investigate the scene of the collision to assist you. They can sustain catastrophic injuries when they collide with the road, another vehicle, or an object. Therefore, do not delay in contact a motorcycle accident attorney in San Diego to protect your claims and damages. Pedestrians are more at risk because at least cyclists will be wearing a helmet and sometimes protective gear.

18 Wheel Semi Trucks Accidents

“There are numerous 18 wheel semi trucks traveling on California highways every day and cars must share the road with them. Therefore, 18 wheel semi truck accident lawyers are necessary to help trucking accident victims. According to 18 wheel truck accident lawyer, “The drivers have special training and require a license, but they can still make mistakes. Because of the size and weight of a truck, when one is involved in an accident, it can cause devastating consequences. You will need a trained truck accident lawyer on your side so you can focus on recovery. Therefore, after a collision with an 18 wheel truck, the injured victim must contact a San Diego semi trucking accident lawyer to help file a lawsuit.

street accidents

Because a truck is 80,000 pounds compared to a car’s 5,000 pounds the aftermath of a truck crash is catastrophic. Because of their size and reduced capacity to stop quickly they can often hit multiple cars. A truck accident law firm investigate the weight of the semi truckinvolved in the collision. Also their cargo could become loose and cause hazards to drivers behind them. Because of the sheer devastation following a truck crash emergency services are required and it can take a long time to clear a crash site. If your company owns a semi truckinvolved in the lawsuit, it is critical to contact a business litigation lawyer to defend the lawsuit. The San Diego business litigation lawyer will file an answer to the lawsuit with the court. The Nakase Law Firm aggressively defendants all commercial trucking business clients as San Diego Business Litigation attorneys.

The main causes of commercial truck accidents are:

• Negligent hiring of unqualified drivers or negligence in retaining dangerous drivers.
• Truck driver error
• Truck driver fatigue
• Loading cargo or securing cargo incorrectly
• Insufficient inspecting or maintaining the trucks.
• Defective parts
• Violations of the California commercial vehicle laws

Many parties could be liable in accidents involving commercial truck accident. Our commercial truck accident lawyers will assist you in investigating liability and filing claims with the appropriate parties.

Crashes Caused By Hazards On The Road

Sometimes a crash is down to dangerous road conditions rather than driver fault. Public roads should be safe for everyone to use, but this is unfortunately not always true. Road conditions that could cause accidents include:

• Cracks in the pavement
• Potholes
• Eroded pavement or road
• Faded road lines and lane markers
• Broken or weak guardrails
• Incorrect speed limits for the road conditions
• Fallen traffic signs that were never replaced.
• Items left in the road by construction crews

trucking accidents

When road hazards cause a crash, then the government, municipality, construction company,or other parties may be to blame. There are some challenges in bringing claims against the government, so you will need a car accident lawyer on your side. There will also be other parties liable if a government is liable as they hire contractors for their work. Our car accident lawyers will assist you in navigating this complex claims process.

Common Injuries in San Diego Car Accidents

Any part of the body can sustain injuries in a car accident. It will depend on the severity of impact and the type of crash. Your injuries can even come from safety features like airbags, steering wheels, and seatbelts. You could hit other parts of the car or have them crush in on you. If you are not wearing a seatbelt, you can be thrown through the windshield at impact.

Depending on the conditions of the crash, some injuries can be minor while others can be life-changing. Unfortunately, some crashes do end in permanent mental or physical disabilities or death.

Here is a list of the most common car accident injuries our car accident lawyers represent at Nakase Law Firm.

Head Injuries

The head is a fragile part of the human body. If you hit your head, you are likely to cause a skull fracture and thus brain injury or disfigurement. Even if you are lucky enough not to get either, medical care will be expensive. Facial fractures are also a common injury in car crashes. Damage to the nose, jaw, cheekbones, or eye sockets is painful and can cause disfigurement. You may need to undergo corrective surgery, and changed facial features can be mentally or emotionally traumatic. After sustaining head trauma, it is possible to suffer hearing or vision loss and have a lifelong disability. Car accident victims might also have damage to their teeth, which will require costly surgery and tooth implants.

Brain Injuries

The brain is a sensitive organ, and trauma can occur from direct impact with the heard or even a jolt causing the brain to rattle around. A brain injury can be temporary or it can be permanent, leaving you with changes to your behavior or cognitive or physical capacities. Severe brain injuries have the potential to leave the victim in a coma for a long time or require emergency surgery for brain swelling. Someone with a brain injury will need rehabilitation and medical attention, and even still they may be forever changed.  Do not delay seeking the help of a brain injury lawyer.

Injuries to The Neck and Back

Every movement you make incorporates your back and neck. Therefore if you injure your back or neck every movement will be extremely painful. Whiplash is a common injury to sustain in a car accident. Whiplash incorporates any damage to the soft tissue of the neck from the impact. It is possible to fracture, dislocate, strain muscles, or injure the discs in your back in a car accident. Our car accident lawyers know the pain of back and neck injuries. They will often mean you are off work for a while and cause extreme pain and suffering. Nakase Law Firm’s car accident lawyers will take the strain of making a claim off your plate while you recover.


Back and neck injuries mean you will be unable to participate in activities you enjoy. It will be too painful to play sports, walk, play with your kids, or assist with housework. Medical bills will be expensive too, with surgery, pain medication, and physical therapy.

Chest Injuries

Trauma to the chest can be devastating as that is where our vital organs are. Fractured or broken ribs can pierce organs and puncture a lung or heart or cause other severe damage. Chest injures require emergency medical treatment as they are life-threatening.

Abdominal Injuries

Similar to neck and back injuries, you will feel pain from abdominal injuries every time you move. However, it is also home to other important organs like your stomach, liver, kidneys, or spleen. Car accidents can also cause hip, pelvis, or spine fractures, which can take a long time to heal. While you are recovering, you might also need home assistance as you will be unable to move.

Injuries to the Knees and Legs

Injuries to the knees and legs can prevent you from walking normally either temporarily or permanently. In a car accident breaks, sprains, strains, torn ligaments, and tendon and muscle damage are quite common. It is common for your knees to hit the dashboard with force at impact even if you are wearing a seatbelt. Knee injuries, in particular, take a long time to heal and depending on the injury might even cause limitations for the rest of your life.

Injuries To The Hands and Feet

Hand and feet injuries can limit your ability to do everyday tasks. While you are recovering from these injuries, you will be unable to work or participate in activities you enjoy. Medical care will be necessary as well and perhaps even surgery.

Spinal Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are perhaps the most devastating that you may sustain in a car accident. It is possible to lose sensation or function in your limbs and other parts of your body. Not many people realize that paralysis can affect your bowel and bladder, reproductive system, and even your lungs. Spinal injuries will change the life of their victim. A spine injury lawyer can help you secure the money that you need.

5 Key Questions You Should Never Forget to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Following an accident, it is important to receive prompt medical attention. If there has been any trauma to your back, it is important not to move your spine, neck, or head. Sometimes a spinal injury won’t paralyze someone instantly, but if not treated can cause paralysis a few days later. Even if you feel perfectly fine after a car accident, go to the emergency room to be checked by medical professionals. If your injuries present themselves a day or two later, it is difficult to prove they are from the car accident if they do not appear in a medical file from the same day.

Medical Care Required After a Car Accident


Some of the medical treatments a car accident victim will need are:

• Ambulance or helicopter transportation
• Diagnosis or treatment in the emergency room
• Medical follow-ups
• ICU care
• Overnight stays in the hospital for injuries that need to be monitored or surgically treated.
• Surgery for breaks, sprains, strains, and internal damage.
• Rehabilitation to recover function
• Home assistance
• Medication or medical equipment for mobility, pain, and prevention of infection.
• Assisted living facilities if patient needs to be monitored.

Medical care is extremely expensive in the United States, but your health is worth the cost. Our car accident lawyers will help you claim back the costs of your medical care from the negligent driver. If there is time between the accident and the diagnosis of your injuries,insurance companies will try to avoid paying your medical bills. Straight after an accident head to the ER and leave the claim process up to our car accident lawyers.

At Nakase Law Firm, we have worked with clients who have a range of different injuries after a car accident. Our car accident lawyers are sympathetic to your pain and suffering and will work around your needs. They will fight tenaciously so that you get the compensation for your medical bills and loss of wages.

Why Should I Choose The Car Accident Lawyers At Nakase Law Firm to Represent Me?

Our car accident lawyers have decades of experience representing car accident victims in San Diego. WE care deeply for our clients and will look after your best interests.

We have plenty of experience with insurance agencies and know all the tricks they use to try and reduce the amount of your compensation.