The global situation is changing dynamically, leaving its mark on the economy. This also applies to businesses for whom flexibility has recently become an important skill. By investing their capital in new technologies, entrepreneurs can play a crucial role in the new reality. Silesian investors have already taken advantage of such opportunities by taking part in foreign trade missions and international fairs and establishing valuable contacts. Such missions are organized by the Upper Silesian Fund S.A., which, together with the Marshal’s Office of the Silesian Voivodeship, implements the Global Silesia project that supports small and large companies in expanding their business activities.


The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic thwarted many companies’ plans for development and contributed to changes that were difficult to predict. Paradoxically, the global situation has also influenced the development of many new technologies in the field of ICT, IT, and artificial intelligence. Companies that focus on innovation and want to develop can implement these plans with the help of experts and practitioners.

An example in this regard is actions taken by dynamically operating Silesian enterprises, which regularly participate in economic missions and international fairs, where they establish new contacts and seek opportunities to expand their business.

This is largely facilitated by the comprehensive and multi-track Global Silesia project, which enables Silesian Voivodeship companies to receive full support during trade missions, ranging from covering the costs of participation to organizing meetings with potential contractors.

Trade mission to Israel

Between February 18 and February 20, 2020, representatives of innovative Silesian companies took part in a trade mission to Israel. The highlight of the program was Muni World 2020, which was organized in Tel Aviv. This annual event devoted to smart city concepts and solutions was an excellent opportunity to present technologies supporting the sustainable development of cities and the idea of ​​a circular economy.

Muni World 2020 comprised numerous meetings of representatives of city authorities, local companies, and institutions that actively work for the dynamic and sustainable development of urban centers. Representatives of Silesian companies exchanged experiences and specialist knowledge, with the 3-day event program covering a wide array of issues ranging from innovative urban technologies, ideas for solving environmental problems in cities, spatial planning, intelligent transport, and ICT solutions, to intelligent monitoring and monitoring system management.

Israel is a very attractive destination for entrepreneurs. It is one of the world’s leading innovation centers, where breakthrough technological solutions are created based on the cooperation of the government, as well as municipal and business sectors. Israel is also a country of startups, some of which have even become global brands.

Noteworthy examples include cybersecurity software company Checkpoint, as well as Waze – an application enabling navigation and providing traffic information. That Israel is an attractive business destination also for Polish enterprises is evidenced by the fact that over 300 international companies have established their research and development laboratories there.

Trade mission to Croatia

One of the main holiday destinations chosen by Polish tourists, Croatia attracts attention with its beautiful weather, interesting culture, and tasty cuisine. However, it is also a crucial point on the global business map. Representatives of Polish companies can relatively easily adapt to the conditions in this market.

What makes Croatia one of the friendliest destinations for Polish investors are also the few cultural and linguistic differences between the countries. Many entrepreneurs wish to capitalize on this to open a business in this region of the Balkan Peninsula. The Upper Silesian Fund S.A supports such efforts by organizing trade missions.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological situation, the trade mission to Croatia was carried out online as an exception. It took place between February 15 and February 18, 2021. The mission’s opening event was a webinar devoted to the conditions of doing business in Croatia, which was attended by entrepreneurs and experts who presented legal and practical aspects related to the functioning of the business in the Adriatic region.

Moreover, as many as 16 B2B meetings between Polish and Croatian entrepreneurs were held using the online platform. Among the attendees were representatives of such businesses as Armex Automatyka – a company based in Racibórz, which specializes in automation and robotization of production processes, as well as design and construction of machines and assembly lines.

Other entrepreneurs present at the meeting included members of the Tomkov group, which provides services in the use of drones and innovative IT systems. Tomkov unmanned technologies are used for such purposes as air quality measurements, detecting illegal burning of toxic waste, as well as photogrammetric services based on satellite and aerial photos.

Yet another trade mission to Croatia took place between October 25 and October 29, 2021. Within 4 days, the Polish delegation visited such places as Zagreb, Opatija, and Rijeka. Silesian entrepreneurs also participated in the Economic Forum on the possibilities of Polish-Croatian cooperation. The event was attended by a representative of the Croatian local government and local entrepreneurs, which further signifies its importance.

Foreign trade missions and international fairs are crucial for decisions to expand abroad. They constitute an important link in the multi-track Global Silesia program, prepared for Silesian entrepreneurs who strive to develop.

The project “Economic promotion of the region and activities related to the creation of favorable conditions for investment and export” is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

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