Many people at some point in their life face difficulties buttoning their shirt or doing simple daily chores like taking a bath, brushing teeth, etc. The above can be symptoms of getting older or the signs of Parkinson’s Disease.

Doctors say there are no tests for Parkinson’s Disease and its conclusion is drawn by symptoms like tremors and shaking in the limbs.

An Insight intoParkinson’s Disease - Top Facts to KnowDoctors say that if you suffer from two or more of the symptoms given below, there is a high probability you have Parkinson’s Disease.

1. Shaking and tremors in your limbs
2. Bradykinesia or slow movement
3. Stiffness in the trunk, arms, and legs
4. Frequent falls and problems in maintaining balance

Doctors say the above symptoms start from one side of your body and spread to the other side. These symptoms are quite similar to other nerve disorders that people face with age. It often takes some time for you to confirm whether you have Parkinson’s Disease or not especially when the symptoms are mild.

How will the doctor test whether you have Parkinson’s Disease or not?

In case, your family doctor suspects you have Parkinson’s Disease, he or she will recommend you to a specialist doctor like a neurologist. A neurologist is trained in disorders like Parkinsons. This will help you make the diagnosis quicker so that the treatment can commence. The neurologist you consult will check the mobility of your arms and legs. He or she will also check your balance and muscle tone.

Know The 5 Stages of Parkinson’s Disease

The following are the 5 different stages of Parkinson’s Disease-
➢ The first stage is indicated with the shaking of a limb or tremors. Friends and family can detect this stage if they closely examine the limb of a patient. The patient cannot balance himself or herself. You will also notice noticeable changes in the facial expressions of the patient. The patient will also suffer from thinking and other behavioral problems.
➢ In the second stage, shaking is intense in both the limbs. The patient often faces difficulty walking and in completing physical tasks.
➢ In the third stage, the above symptoms become severe and affect standing as well as walking. The patient faces complete inability to balance himself or herself. There is a gradual decline in physical activities.
➢ In the fourth stage, the patient cannot walk at all. Movements become slow, and there is a lot of rigidity. The patient cannot complete any tasks on his or her own.
➢ The fifth stage is the advanced stage where the patient is unable to do anything on his or her own. This is the phase where one-to-one nursing is needed.

Therefore, from the above, it is evident that Parkinson’s Disease will gradually progress from mild to worst. Doctors say that the symptoms in one person may not be the same as another person. So, if you are taking care of a loved one at home, make sure you are aware of the 5 stages of Parkinson’s Disease so that you can take the right action at the right time with knowledge!