Your posture plays a huge role on how you look, same as with your overall well-being. If you are not on your proper posture, expect that your back or body might ache, you may look smaller than your real height and you may look less attractive. The good news is, you can consider different posture exercises that can help you gain the best posture possible.

Native State for example, offers people with free Feldenkrais classes, these classes can actually help you gain your right posture back without pains. If you are planning to attend any class for your posture exercise, one thing is a must, you have to make sure that the trainer of the class is the right professional to teach different patterns and exercises.

The trainer can make or break the result you can get from performing different exercises, hence it is a must that you give huge attention when choosing the trainer to trust.


To help you get started, here are some of the things you have to seriously consider when choosing a trainer to trust:

  • Experience

How long have they been in this industry? The longer their experience is, the better, as their experience would surely help them become better and more effective in helping people achieve their goals, proper posture or something else.

And besides, with the many trainers and instructors around, if they are not good with what they do, they would have long been gone. But of course, apart from the quantity of years, you also have to measure the quality of years they are teaching different exercises, for posture, somatic movement, etc.

Their experience is most of the time stipulated on the details about them, hence giving it a peek is a good idea.

  • Expertise

If you are targeting proper posture, make sure that the trainer you will look for has wide knowledge about it and not other specialty. Sure, there are some trainers that can work on different requirements, but needless to say, he/she must exactly know what to do to help people who want to have proper posture.

You can speak with the trainer to ask if they can help you with the specific issue you want to solve.

  • Dedication to work

Choosing a trainer that is dedicated to his/her craft is a good idea. Sure, you want to work with someone who knows how to give value with their work, more so their students. Their dedication to their work makes them highly credible and reliable.

  • Certified

Not everyone is allowed to train, Feldenkrais for instance, certifies trainers to make sure that they know exactly what to do to help people get the best out from this exercise. Their certification can ensure you that their knowledge about a specific discipline is enough to help you.

What You Need To Know About The Feldenkais Method

More and more people are trying Feldenkais Method to resolve their posture problems. True that it is effective, but there are some things you need to know about it before giving it a go.

  • The Feldenkais approach is not a healing process, it is actually a learning process to help you achieve what you want to achieve. Sure, you can feel the sensation and somewhat healing on your physical pain, but to make the relief long term, you have to learn how to prevent the pain from coming back, same as with assuring that your proper posture is permanent and not only during classes
  • The practitioner of this method does not need to touch any body part of their students to teach them how to do the forms and patterns, hence online classes is possible. But needless to say, there are some instances when guidance and assistance from a practitioner is needed hence touching their students, with permission, may be possible
  • No mechanical, electrical, or chemical aids, equipment or devices needed to perform this method
  • There is no dress code for people who want to participate in Feldenkais class, but of course, to make sure that you can do the forms and patterns easily and without limitations, wear a comfortable outfit

Having a good posture is something that you have to achieve especially that if you don’t, there are a lot of drawbacks you may encounter physically, emotionally and mentally. True that it is not as easy to get your right posture back, but knowing that there are available exercises you can do, not just to correct your posture but to improve your overall being and wellness, there is no reason why won’t you consider it. Exercises are still your best way out for issues on your health and appearance, but needless to say, it may not be able to help all conditions and diseases.