When you begin to notice hair loss, you may think the genetics at work on this may be impossible to stop. However, if you research the facts about DHT blockers, you may be surprised to learn hair loss is more preventable than you realize. If you’re curious as to how DHT blockers accomplish their mission, here’s what you need to understand.

DHT blockers

Photo by Aja Kumar Narwade from Pexels

What is DHT, and Why Does it Need to be Blocked?

Made from your body’s testosterone, DHT is a male sex hormone responsible for developing and maintaining most male sex characteristics, including facial hair, muscle mass, and a deepening voice. All is well and good with your DHT unless you are genetically prone to male pattern baldness. When this is the case, DHT will work against you by binding to hair follicle receptors all over your head. As this happens, your hair follicles shrink and stop allowing for new hair growth. Once your testosterone converts to DHT, a DHT blocker will need to come into play very quickly to limit and prevent hair loss.

Prescription DHT Blockers

Since male pattern baldness takes place over the years rather than overnight, the good news is that you’ve got plenty of time to find a DHT blocker that will work best for you and put a stop to your hair loss issues. However, don’t procrastinate on this since the earlier you start using a DHT blocker, the better chance you have of maintaining as much of your hair as possible.

If you choose to use a prescription DHT blocker, chances are your doctor will prescribe finasteride in the form of a tablet. This DHT blocker works by binding to the enzyme 5a-reductase that is behind your hair loss, which ultimately will stop your body from being able to produce DHT.

Natural DHT Blockers

Like some men, you may be hesitant about wanting to take a prescription medication to stop your hair loss. If so, you’ll be glad to know there are many natural DHT blockers that may work just as well or perhaps even better than prescription medications. Some of the most popular include:

● Saw palmetto,
● Pumpkin seed oil,
● Green tea,
● Biotin,


Of these options, biotin seems to offer the most promise in terms of results. Also known as Vitamin H, biotin is found in bananas and eggs, as well as almonds. While no studies have definitely proven biotin will block DHT, research has indicated it can keep your hair thicker while offering no side effects.

Combining Prescription and Natural DHT Blockers

Based on research from the American Academy of Dermatology, finasteride is the most effective DHT blocker men like yourself can use to halt male pattern baldness. However, you may want to consider combining a prescription DHT blocker with natural blockers to get maximum results. A promising study from the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that 83% of men who took a one-mg finasteride tablet and also regularly used a natural DHT blocker were able to keep their original hair follicles while also experiencing hair regrowth.

Seeing Results Takes Time

If your doctor prescribes finasteride and you also combine it with various types of natural DHT blockers, be prepared to be patient in your battle against male pattern baldness. To notice a significant difference in your hair’s thickness and coverage, finasteride often needs to be used for as long as one year. However, during that period of time, finasteride will be working to lower the amount of DHT in your blood serum by 70-75%.

DHT-Blocking Shampoos

Although there is not as much scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of DHT-blocking shampoos, dermatologists generally agree that these shampoos can offer positive results for some men.

Widely available as an OTC option, you should always look for a DHT-blocking shampoo that contains ketoconazole as its main ingredient. Used to treat fungal skin infections, ketoconazole is used in shampoos that are hair loss treatments designed to combat dandruff or psoriasis.

Since both of these conditions result in an inflamed scalp that may have blocked pores, ketoconazole can limit the effect DHT may have on your scalp and your hair follicles.

Bottom Line

Now that you understand more about DHT blockers and how they may be able to help slow down or stop your male pattern baldness, it’s worth talking to your doctor about possible treatment options. Whether you use finasteride exclusively or combine it with natural DHT blockers and maybe even a DHT-blocking shampoo, you may soon be on your way to a thicker head of hair.