Almost all of us have had this happen to us where you pass a poop that is so big that it clogs the toilet and you will need to Get Plumber Singapore. Now, if you feel like this is happening to you more than it should, then this is a problem and you need to analyze the possible reasons behind it so that you can go for the best remedies.

Passing out large poop on a daily basis means that you are not eating right or doing the things that you should be doing for maintaining the health of your digestive system. Large poop is a concerning situation for both your health as well as for your toilet because it can get clogged and cause a lot of problems for you.

So, if you want to know all there is to know about the possible causes of big poop and possible remedies, then stay with us till the end.

What is the Average Size of Poop?

Before we go on and talk about the possible reasons for passing out big poop, we first need to see what the average size of poop is and is what is considered as the large poop. Now, we understand that it might be a bit embarrassing to read about it, but you have to, if you want to keep yourself in good shape.

There is actually a measurement method called the Bristol Stool Form Scale that you can check out online to see different types of poop appearances that are considered to be normal. You can read more about this scale to learn about the average size of poop.  

How do you know what is a Large Poop?

Although in normal circumstances, you’d easily know when your poop is too big. But still, if you are not sure, here are some ways through which you can determine it.

poop clogs toilet

Here are some of the things that tell you that your poop is too big

  • When it is large enough that it clogs the toilet
  • When it is large enough that it completely fills the bowel
  • It looks like hard marbles
  • It is difficult to pass

That is probably it. Now, let’s come to the main part of the discussion. You might be wondering…

So, why is My Poop so Big?

The reasons for that could be anything from eating a large meal to not working out and stuff like that. But these are just minor causes and are not something to be excessively worried about.

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Here are some of the reasons when you might Pass out a large poop and these are the things that you need to start working on at once

  • Unhealthy Eating Habits: When you don’t eat right and you eat large meals and mostly junk food on a daily basis, it could be a cause for passing out big poop.   
  • Constipation: Constipation happens when you can’t pass out stool. So, overtime, it becomes large and even harder to pass and subsequently poop clogs toilet.
  • Encopresis: This is a condition that mostly occurs in children and is a sign of chronic constipation. It causes the child to lose the sense of having stool and so it gets collected in their bowels and causes them to have large poop.
  • Megacolon: People who suffer from chronic constipation and bowel obstruction issues can develop megacolon. This condition causes the colon to get stretched and it holds more stool. This condition is a serious cause for concern.

Basic Remedies

Here are some of the most basic remedies that you can do to treat Bog Poop problem so that it doesn’t clog your toilet anymore:

  • Take more natural diet that is enriched in fiber. Fiber adds to the stool movement and makes it easier to pass.
  • Workout or do some form of physical activity on a regular basis.
  • Don’t eat one or two large meals. Instead, create an eating routine where you take several small meals a day.
  • Drink lots and lots of water.
  • Don’t hold in stool as it can cause constipation.
  • Try creating a consistent bathroom schedule for yourself.

That’s all there is to it. Let us know if you have any more questions regarding the Why Is My Poop So Big It Clogs the Toilet issue and why it causes your toilet to clog, in the comments section. We’d be happy to help you out.