According to the FDA, over 30 different types of common plants pose a danger to your pets, especially dogs. The outcome of your dog ingesting various parts of these plants can cause mild to severe symptoms and even death.

Don’t take chances if you have pets. No bloom is beautiful enough to risk your beloved companion’s life.

Check your garden for toxic plants, and if you’re planning a garden makeover, make sure you use only these dog-safe plants in your landscape design.

5 Simple Landscaping Tips to Upgrade Your Home's Curb Appeal

Fragrant Dog-Safe Plants

Pets have a habit of scampering through your garden beds, so it’s a good idea to plant tough plants that can deal with the disturbance. These are your best bets to buy plants online:


Rosemary’s a great fix for filling empty spaces in an outdoor garden and grows well in containers too. This useful herb loves sunny spaces and stays green all year round.

It’s extremely hardy and pet-proof too, releasing a powerful fragrance whenever it’s disturbed by busy paws.


Dill is another attractive culinary plant that’s okay for your dog to dine on too. Its feathery leaves add a yummy flavor to soups, meat, and dressings, and are a pretty addition to any garden.

Be sure to give this plant plenty of breathing room though, they spread rapidly under ideal conditions.

Purple Basil

Add a touch of color to your outdoor garden beds with this pretty basil variety. Be sure to plant them once all danger of frost has passed and they’ll reward you with abundant growth all summer long.

You can make delicious purple pesto with these plants but make sure you water them regularly to encourage lush growth.

Flowering Non-Toxic Plants

Everybody needs a little color in their garden unless the flowers are poisonous to pets. Flowering plants are great for attracting the birds and the bees to your garden too.

Check out these brilliant blooms for dog-friendly gardens:


Magnolias not only look good, but they also smell wonderful. Magnolias come in a wide range of colors and shapes to suit any landscape design.

According to the plant finder on you can find these attractive plants in both tree and shrub varieties.


Roses are one of the most popular flowers around and grown all over the world. These hardy bushes, creepers, and standard varieties bring color and life to sunny spots and won’t harm your dogs at all.

If your dogs like to snack on plants, roses aren’t a good match for them. The tough leaves and sharp thorns can cause stomach upsets if ingested.

Creeping Zinnia

Add a little sunshine to your spaces with this low-growing annual. This lovely groundcover will fill your garden with gorgeous safe flowers in cheerful yellow hues all the way through summer.

These delightful little flowers resemble miniature sunflowers and grow fast and thrive in full sun. They’re ideal for rock gardens, as a bedding plant, or even in a hanging basket.

Crape Myrtle

Flowering trees add an extra layer of color to your garden and it’s comforting to know that these blooms pose no threat to your pets when they fall to the ground.

Ideal for small lots, the fast-growing crape myrtle only reaches a height of 15 to 25 feet and boasts brilliant color year-round. The tree produces spectacular summer flowers, pretty winter bark, and bright fall foliage.

Pet-Friendly Perennials

Perennials are the ultimate solution for homeowners who want to enjoy patches of green all year round. These hardy plants don’t shed their leaves in the fall, so they don’t add to your garden chores either.

With these specimens, you can enjoy the convenience of non-stop greenery with no concerns about the welfare of your pets.

Hen and Chicks

Also known as Sempervivum or houseleeks, these are among the most common outdoor plants for gardeners who prize convenience. It’s a low-growing spreading plant that bears rosette-shaped flowers.

The name hen and chicks come from its habit of sprouting mini rosettes from the main plant. Apart from their perennial nature, hen and chicks are also drought-tolerant and available in a range of patterns and colors.

Plant them in a sunny, well-drained spot for best results.


You’ll find a host of these late-blooming beauties to choose from at your local garden center, and they’re all pet-safe.

You’re sure to find a place for these pretty daisy-like flowers in your landscape design as they work well along borders, in rock gardens, or as part of a wildflower display.

Only the China aster isn’t a perennial plant, and most asters erupt into color during the late summer or fall. So, you’ll have green leaves year-round and bright purple, pink, or white flowers when the rest of your garden’s already gone into its winter slump.


This evergreen shrub is as tough as they come and works perfectly as a hedge, screen, or foundation plant. You can choose from early spring or fall-blooming varieties of camellia, so they’re a wonderful complement to any garden palette.

Camellia’s make beautiful cut flowers too, bringing color and life to both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Winter-hardy camellias can tolerate temperatures as low as -10 °F when grown in a sheltered location.

First Impressions Count

You can always count on a man’s best friend for a pick-me-up at the end of the day. Now, thanks to these pet-friendly landscaping tips, you don’t have to sacrifice your home’s curb appeal to keep your pet safe.

Whether you’re in search of dog-safe plants or the latest manly fashion tips, you’ll find them on our website. Keep browsing for more information about the things that appeal to you.