Moving is sometimes unavoidable, if not essential. You have a new job or a new home or have decided to upgrade or downsize. There are plenty of reasons you need to go from one address to another, and you might need help doing it. But amid a global pandemic, how do you move safely and securely, without putting others at risk? If you are thinking about moving during COVID-19, here is everything you need to know.

Get The Facts


First off, moving companies are operating. There have not been any sizable shutdowns of operations, and you can find moving companies that are following guidelines for minimizing contact. However, the decision for whether or not to take on clients is ultimately left up to the franchise. Therefore, you should always do your research before scheduling a move.

Also, COVID-19 is still highly contagious and problematic. Make sure you are following the correct hygienic practices, especially when finding storage services or renting a moving truck.

DIY When You Can

There is a good chance that, even though moving companies are still working, they will have reduced hours and staff. In that case, it may be easier to do most of the moving or just the packing on your own. You may be able to hasten the process by boxing up your belongings on your own then having the moving company pick up the items. Or you can hire a moving truck, if that is a possibility.

Minimize Contact

Yes, doing everything yourself when moving can be overwhelming. So, if you have to ask friends and family for help, make sure you are minimizing contact with others. Assign your helpers to individual rooms and ensure everyone is wearing a mask when engaging with one another. You should also provide hand sanitizer and disinfectants.

The same is true if you opt to use a moving company. Although you may feel inclined to linger, do your best to step back and let them work. You will find that there are fewer people on the job and that they split up to tackle separate areas of the house. During this time, you and your family should stay at least 6 feet/2 meters apart.

Furthermore, be transparent with neighbors. It doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment complex or have a house. Let others know when people will be coming and going from your property or unit so that they know to avoid any unnecessary contact with you. Remember, everyone has to work together to overcome the virus.

Carefully Select a Moving Company

Professional moving companies are doing everything within their power to prevent any transmission of the coronavirus. Reputable companies understand your concern and should have measures in place to do their job effectively while minimizing risk. Yet, you should not trust a company immediately without hearing their precautionary measures from a representative directly. Call up the company and ask the following questions:

● How are you and your employees reducing the spread of COVID-19?
● What precautions do the drivers and crew take when on the job?
● Do the crew members use PPE when inside my home?
● What do you do if you discover an employee has contracted COVID-19?
● Is there a list of FAQs or resources I can review before scheduling my move with you?

Use Virtual Quoting

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These days, in-person contact is limited. To do your part, use virtual quoting when possible. Doing a virtual quote involves walking around your house so the estimator can see what items are going to be moved. The moving company’s estimator will then be able to give you a quote and answer your questions through video chat.

Schedule Properly

Since you may be doing more on your own or with limited help, do not overwhelm yourself by choosing a move out date that is sooner than later. Keep your time frame realistic, since you are going to have more than packing boxes to do.

Using a moving company? Scheduling is still important. They will also be moving slower and will have fewer crew members on the job.

Clean Everything—Before, During, and After

Whether you have chosen professionals to come in and help or you have some friends assisting, you should be prepared to clean—a lot. Professional cleaning services used to be an excellent option, but due to current COVID-19 restrictions, having people in your home may not comply with safety guidelines. That means that the safest way to sanitize your home is to do it yourself.

Disinfect frequently touched places throughout your home, including the tables, light switches, cabinet handles, desktops, faucets, sinks, toilet lids, electronic devices, and doorknobs. Choose disinfectant solutions that are potent enough to kill the coronavirus.

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Also, properly ventilate all rooms. Open windows, if it is not too cold, and make sure there is plenty of airflow coming in.

The same process holds true during and after you have moved. Before you open the first box at your new address, you need to clean and disinfect all of your belongings. Properly dispose of any packing materials, as well. You may have to wait some time before digging into your belongings, especially after disinfecting them, but it will be worthwhile. The last thing you would want is to come down sick right after your move.

Separate anything that you will need right away and keep them with you. That way, you know those items will be clean and ready for use.

Wrapping Up

Being smart about moving during COVID-19 can make a difference in the process. As long as you follow the standard rules during this pandemic, you should be able to have a seamless move. Practice social distancing if using a moving company. Sanitize everything when possible. With that, you can stay safe during your move.