As humans, we’re naturally attracted to nature. The fact that we’re spending billions of dollars on space exploration in our attempts to unlock the secrets of the universe is a testament to our deep-rooted affinity with nature.

This adoration for natural settings can be observed in children from a young age. However, in today’s modern digital age, children don’t get enough exposure to the outdoors, and the intrinsic love of nature fades away before they enter their teenage years. And it’s our job as parents to stop that from happening—we all want our children to understand and appreciate this amazing world we live in, right?

So, is there something you can do to foster the love of nature in your children? Of course, there is!

Why You Should Actively Participate in Raising Your Child As A Man

1. Use technology to inspire:-

Technology is often blamed for our gradual dissociation from Mother Nature. The truth is that it’s the misuse of technology that has caused this divide. In fact, technology can bring us closer to nature if used the right way. For instance, Sevierville is presenting a unique digital cinematic experience in 2023, particularly for nature-loving individuals. You can take your children on the Xperia Ocean Journey, where they can interact with marine life and experience the ethereal beauty of the deep ocean. This journey is made magical via the special effects generated by trained VFX artists.

2. Educate them about nature:-

It’s important to educate your children about humankind’s connection with Mother Nature and how it’s important for everyone to love and care for the planet they call home. You can tell them about how humanity must hone its connection with nature to become happier and healthier. So, make them learn the importance of sustainable practices. The more they care about planet earth, the more they love nature. Hence, fostering the love of nature in kids is possible when parents educate them about it properly.

3. Be a role model:-

You are probably familiar with how children imitate their parents’ actions and emulate their behaviors. Considering this observation, leading by example is the most effective way to make your children appreciate nature. When you show an active interest in nature and conserving the environment, your children will naturally follow suit. You can do this through small gestures, such as recycling items that can be recycled and taking them fishing on the weekends instead of the movies.

4. Start them off young

As we’ve mentioned above, children often begin to lose their natural interest in the outdoors by the time they turn fourteen. So, parents should expose them to Mother Nature when they are toddlers. Take them to greenery-filled gardens to wander around under the shadows of nature. Let them become more familiar with natural settings and read some books together. It’s also an excuse for parents to bond with their kids properly. So, find some decent nature-relevant books online:

  • Everything Under The Sun (2021) is good for kids aged 5-8
  • Please Help Planet Earth (2021) is good for kids aged 2-5
  • A Ladybird Book: Trees (2021) is good for kids aged 7-9

5. Go camping often:-

Do you go on camping trips with your kids? Statistics indicate that 40% of leisure trips taken in 2021 involved camping. In other words, family camping trips are an effective way to foster a love of nature in your kids. Your kids can observe several amazing things on camping trips, such as watching lots of nocturnal animals. Moreover, stargazing and fire-building are some popular activities that make a kid fall in love with nature. Thus, you can teach your kids important lessons about hard work.

6. Let Them Get their hands dirty:-

Parents can connect the child with nature by engaging the child in gardening-related activities. Make the little one learn how soil works by making your kid plant some fruits and vegetables in the backyard. Many adults choose gardening as their hobby, but it’s always healthier to engage in it when you’re little. You can get your kid a few books on the magic of gardening. Here are the merits of getting their hands dirty:

  • It empowers them and helps them learn things on their own.
  • They can observe the process of growth and creation by themselves.
  • Children are more likely to eat the fruits and vegetables they’ve grown.

7. Make nature their hobby:-

Getting children hooked on Mother Nature becomes easier when exploring nature is their hobby. In other words, parents should foster a love for nature in kids by encouraging them to pick up nature-related pastimes. You may motivate them to observe nature, take pictures, and write about everything they’ve seen. A nature-theme hobby can involve drawing sketches of tadpoles and insects. Get them hooked on Net Geo or Discovery Channel to hone their sense of child-like curiosity.

8. Bring nature indoors too:-

Don’t forget that nature doesn’t always have to be outside. You can always bring some of it inside as well. Placing potted plants inside the house is another way to bring your kids closer to nature, especially if they don’t like going outside too much.


In short, there are many ways to foster a love of nature in your kids. You can go camping with them, give them books on nature, and educate them about its importance. Moreover, the advent of AR/VR technology has made it possible for us to interact with nature in a way that wasn’t possible before. You can now explore the deep oceans and outer space from the comfort of your home.