Life is always easy!…said no one ever.

Every person who was ever born will face struggles and hardships in life. Even those who seem to live charmed lives face problems at some point.

So why is it that some people seem to handle problems more easily than others? Let’s find out.

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Resilience Explained

Resilience is the quality that has to do with our response to an event or situation. Some people will respond with a glass-half-full attitude, finding silver linings and bouncing back from a harsh blow more easily.

Others will respond to the same situations with a glass-half-empty attitude. They may stress over the situation more — even to the point of affecting their mental and physical health.

People in the first group are said to be more resilient than those in the second.

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The Source of Resilience

Where does this resilience come from? Some of it has to do with the innate qualities we possess. Anyone who has ever worked with little kids can tell you, some children react more positively and with more determination to difficult situations than others.
However, our environment also has a big effect. Loving relationships, a safe home, and adults that model resilient behaviour all help to develop more resilience in children.

Top Tips for How to Foster More Resilience in Children

If your child doesn’t seem to have much natural resilience, don’t despair! There are plenty of ways you can help them develop more resilience.

1. Build a Loving Relationship

The biggest factor that seems to affect how resilient children become is that they have at least one stable, loving relationship with a parent or another adult. Be that loving adult in a child’s life and you will be helping them become more resilient.

2. Model Resilience

Your children are always watching. They see how you react to situations and will follow your example. Model resilient behaviour to help them develop more of their own resilience.

3. Challenge Their Problem-Solving Skills

Creativity and strong problem-solving skills are qualities that are often seen among more resilient children. They feel a semblance of control, even in an out-of-control situation, because they are working on a solution.

4. Give Them Responsibility

As your child grows, give them age-appropriate responsibilities. Start with simple stuff like carrying their dishes to the sink or picking out their own clothes. Kids like to feel autonomous and independent kids will turn into more resilient adults.

5. Make Use of Your Resources

Some children face hefty challenges early in life. Even if they were developing resilience on track big situations like their parent’s divorce or the death of a close family member will be overwhelming.

Mental health therapy for children can help them get through this difficult time. Plus, they will learn coping skills and develop more resilience to face future challenges.
Building Resilience

Every child develops at their own pace. Don’t worry if your child has a few melt-downs over spilt milk as a youngster. Simply try a few of these tips to help them successfully develop more resilience for the future.