Cremation has grown significantly over the passage of time. From 2016, a 50% increase has been experienced in cremation services as people now opt for this ceremony for their loved one’s final disposition. Funeral homes give different options to the family of the deceased, to choose the method of the body disposal.

Grieving is a natural process for all humans who experience the loss of a loved one. And funerals play a huge role in this phase. Families who choose cremation services, don’t usually realize that they can still have a complete funeral, which gives them a healing experience. Cremation is definitely one of the most used method of final disposition but by no means, should this practice, stop people from having their meaningful funeral ceremony.

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Sadly, the stats showcase something completely different. Out of 50% of the people who chose cremation for their deceased ones, only 11% follow it with a complete funeral ceremony where everyone is allowed to visit and see the dead for the last time. The remaining, simply opt for cremation and do not give importance to the meaningful funeral ceremony.

Traditional Visitation before Cremation

Many people assume that if they choose cremation, they won’t be able to hold a traditional funeral. However, this is false. You can always have a traditional visitation service prior to the cremation. It depends on the family, whether they want to have a private, family visitation or public one. It is stated that a private funeral is always better for a healing experience for the loved ones.

A complete, funeral service with the dead boy being presented in a casket can also be done. It usually depends on what the family chooses. To part with someone completely is very painful. To acknowledge this fully, it is considered best to see the person physically and say your final goodbye to them.

Memorial Service after Cremation

The second option available is to hold a memorial service after cremation. This is similar to the funeral but is held after the cremation and the loved ones are not able to physically see the deceased one or say their final goodbye either. Memorial service also brings an opportunity to let the grievers come together and speak about their loss and let themselves feel the pain, in order to heal from it. It can be a private event or a public one; depending on the family again. People can sit and talk about the loss and offer a helping hand to the ones experiencing the death of their loved one. The family could give out cremation ash jewelry to the closest friends and relatives of the deceased.

Direct Cremation

Lastly, you can opt for direct cremation and skip the traditional or memorial funeral service. Many people opt for this these days which is not very healthy for the mind. If you do not heal from the grief, it gets bottled up and ruins your state of mind. However, people usually do it for personal reasons. The deceased one might have wanted it this way or the family is not financially strong to opt for a proper funeral ceremony. Some people do not know that they have other options as well. Thus, we have mentioned it all here to let people know that they can still hold a funeral or a memorial service to grieve the loss and heal.

Final Verdict

Cremation services have grown rapidly over some years, especially in the United States. However, loss of a loved soul is not easy to deal with. Thus, holding a small ceremony before or after cremation can help in healing your mind and heart and experiencing grief, the way you should.