Whether you have a personal website or one dedicated to business, it’s high time you acknowledge the risks associated with improper setup. You may already know that protecting your online presence is a must in this day and age.

Let’s see how that translates into the need for improved website security.

Why Website Security Matters

If you want to stay safe online, you must first know what you’re fighting off. The most common website vulnerabilities are SQL injections and cross-site scripting (XSS). They are closely followed by security misconfiguration, insecure direct object references, and broken access control.

SQL injections make your website interpret data from the attacker as executable database commands. This not only modifies entries in your database but can also delete them altogether. Besides that, confidential data can be stolen.

Meantime, XSS allows hackers to execute malicious code in the browser of users accessing your website. This can give bad actors access to their session cookies, helping them impersonate the user and steal their data. You, as an administrator, may be the most valuable account they would target.

Besides data theft, cyberattacks can also deface your website. This makes website visitors lose their trust in your business. Depending on the services you offer, it can be rather difficult to recover from this.

website security

1. Block Advanced Web Attacks with a WAF

If you haven’t previously heard of a WAF, know that it stands for a web application firewall. But what is web application firewall, and how can it help your website security? Operating through a set of rules or policies, a WAF analyzes all user requests, identifies malicious ones, and blocks them before reaching your site.

Dependable web application firewall solutions offer advanced protection against OWASP’s Top 10 security risks. Choose one that not only takes this into account but also goes beyond it. You should also be mindful of solutions that block backdoor access and prevent malicious bots. It’s a good investment for both personal and business websites.

2. Implement Smart Password Policies

Experts recommend changing your website password requirements to focus on length rather than complexity. For instance, a 15-character passphrase is much safer than an 8-character one consisting of lowercase or uppercase letters, numerals, and special characters.

Updating passwords regularly also seems to not be the security norm anymore. As long as your website users don’t use the same password on multiple websites, you should only require them to change it in case of a data breach. Of course, users should steer clear of some of the most common passwords.

3. Fight Ransomware with Backups

Ransomware attacks are on the rise. Often, cybercriminals take advantage of website vulnerabilities to steal valuable data that they can easily turn into money, most often cryptocurrencies. A lot of companies are willing to pay and avoid bad publicity. This only encourages attackers to hit more often, both large and small businesses alike. While big companies are more valuable, cybercriminals are confident that smaller ones have lower security levels.

If you include automated backups as part of your website security strategy, you’ll likely be less affected by a potential ransomware attack. While the hackers may still get ahold of confidential information, they definitely cannot demand anything. Knowing this, choose web application firewall solutions that include daily website backups.

Bottom Line: Get a Website Firewall Today

After learning more about how to better equip yourself against cyber threats, it’s vital that you act on this knowledge. Invest in a trusted web application firewall and update your password-related requirements and policies for all website users. Stay safe online and keep your website safe, too!