Flying can be intimidating for people who don’t do it a lot or haven’t done it in a while, but it becomes routine after gaining more experience. Novice travelers or those rusty have a lot to learn from veteran commuters.

Here are some expert tips to make your next flight much smoother.

Drive Yourself to the Airport

First, Uber supplanted the cab ride to the airport, and now a new model from is all the rage. Now anybody can drive their own car to and from the airport and enjoy much cheaper overnight parking at an adjacent hotel lot.


Book a parking reservation online, even if you’re not staying at the hotel. When you arrive, show the attendant your reservation and take the free shuttle to your terminal. Save potentially hundreds of dollars and joy the familiarity of your own car.

The best platforms offer users reward points, so you’ll save more and more money each time you use the service.

Don’t Forget the Essential Diversions

You’ll be upset if you pass security and realize you forgot to bring your favourite book or whatever you planned to keep you occupied during the flight. Yes, the airport has magazine stores that stock best sellers, so you may find other reading material to keep you busy.

But nothing makes time pass quicker than leaning into the novel you’ve been dying for time to read. It may be hard to get spare time in your day-to-day life, so don’t miss the opportunity to get a few uninterrupted hours of reading time by forgetting to pack your chosen entertainment.

Pack Your Own Meal

If you’re going on a long flight, you’ll probably feel more comfortable eating familiar food rather than over-priced airport fare. Bring a meal and snacks that you enjoy, and try to choose items that aren’t too messy or cumbersome to eat on the go.

Plus, bringing food from home lets you control the portion size, nutrition level, and flavors. Stay away from expensive generic airport food and eat better for less.

Don’t Forget Your Meds

If you take medicine regularly, make sure it’s in reach during the flight. Don’t accidentally pack it in your luggage.

Whether it’s a Tylenol for a headache, sleeping pills, or treatment for something more significant, always keep your meds in arm’s reach. You don’t want to be up in the air without access to the medicine you need, even if it’s just to make you feel more comfortable or let you rest easier.

The ability to fly anywhere in the world for a relatively low cost is one of the most amazing things about modern life. Trips that used to take weeks now take hours. Vacations may be possible if your region has low enough COVID-19 numbers and medical experts say it’s safe. Just remember all of the above tips before your next flight, and your trip will be a much smoother one.