The global spread of the coronavirus has changed life as we know it, disrupting routines and causing significant stress and anxiety levels. Now, more than ever, college students must prioritize self-care.

Developing healthy living habits will help you maintain wellness during this pandemic and shape the rest of your life. Here, we focus on some creative tips on how to take care of your mental and physical health during the coronavirus pandemic.

Maintain Social Connections

fun friends

One of the perverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic has been isolation. Students are finding themselves separated from their loved ones and unable to travel and assemble freely. The implications for one’s mental health can be severe.

The good news is that there are still many ways people can stay connected during this period of continued physical distancing. Social media platforms and technological applications make interactions easy.

You can connect with friends and family virtually through phone calls, video chats, and text messaging. You could even work together with your classmates online on your DNP capstone projects. Keep improving your social support system — we are all in this together.

Practice Basic Hygiene

Your hygiene is crucial during this pandemic. We all have to think about how we can avoid contracting and spreading illnesses. Follow recommendations for washing hands and wearing masks. Also, make sure to clean your living space frequently.

Remember, decluttering your room can help fight stress and anxiety. If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms associated with the coronavirus, call a primary care provider.

Choose Your Diet and Nutrition Carefully

Keto diet

Even before the pandemic, the best lifestyle insight a person could get is maintaining healthy nutrition. During the pandemic, this advice applies more than ever. Students are urged to practice self-discipline when eating since they are now spending more time indoors. Avoid emotionally associated binge eating due to stress.

Eating healthy foods is also essential because it boosts our immune systems. Make sure to include vegetables and fruits in your meals. Also, prefer nutritious foods rather than junk or processed snacks.

Expect your nutrition to change to a degree during this period of isolation. Changes like limited access to fast foods can be beneficial for your health. However, with increased lockdowns, access to fresh fruits and vegetables is also limited.

Choose your meals creatively from the available food options. Bulk shopping can help you make considerable savings when purchasing food items.

Manage Your Medications and Health Care Visits

The pandemic has been particularly harsh on people who have scheduled health care visits. Most students are stuck indoors without the hope of reprieve. However, don’t be in a hurry to dismiss the plans you had made for the future. If you have scheduled healthcare appointments, you may need to reevaluate your options.

We know that primary care providers are presently overwhelmed. Fortunately, telehealth is growing in popularity and is an option you can consider if you need urgent medical intervention.

Also, take inventory of your medications to ensure that you don’t run out of meds at unexpected times. This will also allow you time to procure refills early. Some pharmacies also deliver medications to clients.

Learn Stress Management Skills


Learning to cope with stress and anxiety is crucial during these uncertain times. Although most people are presently obsessing about their physical health, mental health should still be a priority. Be on the lookout for indicators of stress and find easy ways to cope. Practice self-care, exercise regularly and meditate. It would help if you also considered developing new hobbies and skills to keep you busy and motivated.

Prioritize Getting Enough Sleep

Getting quality and sufficient sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Many people underestimate the value of sleep, adopting unhealthy habits like pulling all-nighters. Human bodies operate on a circadian rhythm, which influences mental and physical wellbeing.

Prolonged sleep deprivation increases fatigue, reduces concentration, and raises the risks of several illnesses. Try to get at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep each night.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

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Reaching out for support when overwhelmed is crucial for your physical and mental health. We all react to and cope with stressors differently. If stress and anxiety are interfering with your daily functioning, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.

The guidance here is to help college students improve their overall wellness. While living a healthy lifestyle can boost a person’s immune system and resilience, it does not cure coronavirus. If you feel that you may have the symptoms associated with COVID-19, call a primary health care provider.