Tips on Why Living Near Open Spaces and Waterfront is a Great Experience

Tips on Why Living Near Open Spaces and Waterfront is a Great Experience

It is a known fact that the price of real estate is driven by the facilities it has and how much extra space it has near the entrance of a community or project. This is why premium properties in NYC and London in proximity with the Central Park and thee Regent’s Park are now available at a price, on average, 30% higher than other real estate ventures just around the corner. In a nutshell, the lush green lawns are not just for the eyes, they give the owners lot of extra cash and people who want to own a property there an extra reason as they can anticipate a steep rise in prices of real estate in these areas.

Same is the case in Toronto as places like Yorkville near the waterfront and green spaces are one of the premium real estate locations here. So why green spaces and areas like waterfront are so much revered by people?

Let me offer you some explanation for these two types keeping in mind the real estate market in Toronto and the neighborhood of Yorkville.


Open and Green Spaces

If I ask you what type of accommodation you will refer, a condo in the middle of a crowded neighborhood or one with proximity of acres of green spaces, I am sure most of you would go for the latter. Of course, the price of any type of property near such open spaces are not what everyone can afford as they are termed as premium. For example, when you will look for Yorkville condos for sale near a green space, you will have to pay the difference in the price as compared to a crowded neighborhood.

If you want to know the reason here, there is no rocket science involved here as there are many things that are pretty much straightforward here. Every one of us look for a serene place that is not only soothing for the eyes but has a really positive effect on our mood. Greenery always attract us and to get this in the middle of a big metro like Toronto, it is what many people die for. So, in short, if you get an opportunity to live in a serene place like this, you need to give this a chance. The investment is truly worth the money as there is a gradual increase in the price of real estate in such places like Yorkville.

Near the Waterfront

Waterfront area in Toronto, along with the neighborhoods in downtown and fashion district are always in demand and amongst the premium one. Waterfront area in the West and Southwest of Toronto on the shores of Lake Ontario is a breathtaking place with lots of open spaces for you to explore. For people looking for a leisurely life, there are virtually unlimited options for them to spend the day without having a single minute of boredom. Right from waking up and looking at the shores of the lake right till the late hours in the evening where you can stroll along, living near the waterfront is a unique experience.

Waterfront area in Toronto is away from the hustle and bustle of a city life. With Toronto being the biggest and a huge metropolitan city, not everyone is comfortable living in a neighborhood having lots of businesses and few places for recreation. Just like the example of green spaces, I know pepe who will make sure they go the extra mile just to live in a pace which is serene enough and is a bit far from what you can term as the normal, busy city life. Waterfront is also amongst a place where people who long for a peaceful environment will really love the place.

Another reason in this concern is that some people can’t live in a place which is crowded and in neighborhoods where there is too much activity. While there are many other things that I can describe here, the fact is living in a particular place lies deep down in human psyche. So, you can’t help individuals who look for a place that san suit their mood and nature until they get their desired place.

Final Word

No matter if you are looking for condos for sale Toronto or if you are looking for a serene place or right at the waterfront, I hope this blog will help you out. Please offer your feedback for this blog by using the comments section below.