If you tried the dating websites and it didn’t work, maybe it is time to try your hand on Instagram. Chances are, one of the two billion daily users is right for you. And in any case, if Cupid doesn’t shoot his little arrow through your heart, you will certainly end-up meeting new friends, wherever you desire in the world.

Create intriguing Stories

If your Instagram is boring and without flavour, no matter how interesting you can be in real life, it won’t show through on your social media, and people will just pass by your account, without writing to you. Not everyone is an artist. Maybe, creating beautiful posts and stories is difficult for you. That is why you need to use the right app to help you create interesting visuals. If that is your case, you can find more informations on this website, on how to create spectacular stories that will attract others and will have them wanting to know more about you.

Use the #single Hashtag


Unless you don’t mind trouble in your life, it is better to start your search, simply using the #single hashtag. They come in a wide variety, so if you have specificities that are important for you, try writing it down. Here are a few examples of what that could look like: #singlebiker, #singleromantic or even #singleforfun. Find the people interested in the hashtag of your choice, by scrolling down the results, and see if anyone turns your emotions on.

Start with People living Near You

Instagram Marketing and How It Is Advantageous for Small Businesses
Finding someone in the same city will make your love life easier. Therefore, that is where you should start your search. To do so, you can use the GPS location, or map feature, on Instagram. On it you will find a search indicator. To look near you, go on “places” and “near current location.” Once again, go through the list of users and see if anyone comes up that sends shivers down your spine (the right way, of course).

Have Someone in Mind?

Instagram Promo

Maybe the idea of looking for love came up when you crossed path with someone’s pictures, that caught your attention. If so, then the first thing you should do is to become one of their followers. It is possible that when they see that you have started to keep a trace of them, they’ll also become curious about you. Then, anything can happen!
All this said, if you do search for people on Instagram, you are bound to make very good friends. That is worth its weight of gold, as you can go out to visit the world and have someone waiting for you, in many locations around the globe.