If you want to consider a cool blog for your website then you can consider WordPress. This is one of the best platforms on which you can build and host your blog. There are different types of themes that help you to give your site a certain look.

In WordPress, every theme does not come with every conceivable widget and tool, just because of this reason plug-ins have been created. These tools add to the functionality of the website so that you can pick and choose the ones that you want.

Before you go with WordPress site, read their ratings and comments posted by other users. There are many themes free but some are considered premium, to use premium you need to attache some fee.

Nowadays, there are many WordPress security plug-ins available in the market that helps to keep your WordPress account secure from hacker attacks.

Every WordPress plug-ins and themes offer unique features and techniques to keep your websites secure from the attention of cybercriminals who are looking for attractive and vulnerable websites that generate good traffic.

One of the best advantages of WordPress themes and Plugins   is that you can easily secure your WordPress Site.

This helps WordPress site by just removing error information on your website login pages, hide WP version in your back-end dashboard for non-admin users, adding index HTML into your plugin directories, remove Windows Live Writer, and block bad queries that can be harmful to your WP website.

There are many advantages that you can get from merely installing plug-ins into your website. But still, it is not enough to completely protect your website from all malicious, malware and viruses. In this case, it is recommended you to apply some other techniques to use for securing WordPress Plugin.

Update your Core

It is one of the biggest factors that enable malware attacks running outdated in the past few years. There are many ways on how you can update your core. It is an automatic update feature which is available in your WordPress admin panel.

Update your WordPress Plug-ins and themes

It is the second way to increase the security of your website. Just like outdated WordPress core, inactive and old themes and plug-ins can easily attract malicious scripts which allows attacking a website and stealing sensitive information.

If you are thinking these things are working properly then just fine, you should never forget to update them.

wordpress website

Hire WordPress Security Service

If you want to secure your website then you need to hire reliable WordPress security service that always keeps your website version updated and also provide some important aspects that you may sometime fail to remember.

Make sure about your local infrastructure is safe or not

Are you wondering to apply this into your WordPress site? Then keep your local infrastructure safe and secure. If possible then keep your personal computer updated by just installing the latest software with latest fixes on a regular basis.

Also update your computer with the best versions of anti-virus solutions and software firewalls.