The Internet is a popular and promising marketing frontier in this digital era. Today businesses are realizing that it is necessary to build a reliable and robust social media presence as that would open up immense possibilities. If statistics were to be believed about 82 percent of the owners of small businesses are harnessing the power of popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter for growing their businesses.

Social media marketing seems to be the most rapidly growing marketing trend. Today, nine out of ten businesses are implementing specific marketing campaigns to reap the benefits of social media exposure. Social media advertising leads to several benefits and is the most effective way of showcasing your unique products and services. In this context, you may want to know what exactly social media advertising is. Simply speaking, it is a kind of online marketing which focuses primarily on various social media platforms.

What Are the Chief Advantages of Advertising Your Product or Company on Social Media 2Needless to say, social media advertising is booming. That is primarily because it works. With platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter at the forefront, more and more organizations are allocating a greater percentage of their marketing and advertising budgets towards social media advertising campaigns due to their efficacy.

According to the infographic presented by Invesp, in the United States, the revenue for social media advertising has been estimated to reach around $15 billion in the year 2018. Moreover, mobile revenue associated with social advertising in 2018, in the United States, is estimated to reach $7.6 billion from just $1.5 billion in the year 2013. Figures show a phenomenal growth rate of 38.3 percent (

Let us explore the advantages of advertising on the social media circuit.

Social Media Is the Perfect Launch-pad for Your Business Promotion

Social media lets the world know about your brand and business. Not only does it give your business a huge amount of global exposure but social media platforms also, provide you with a great opportunity for growing robust relationships with precisely your target audience. Your followers, fans, and connections are supposed to be people who are in touch with your company, who know your brand, who most likely have done business in the past with you. They would often recommend your organization to their friends and family.

Social Media Platforms Are Highly Popular

You need not necessarily be a specialist in online marketing or a passionate tech blog reader to understand the popularity of social media platforms among consumers. As per the statistics provided by Pew Research Center, about 65 percent of adults in the United States use social networks that imply that social media would touch almost every customer coming your way.

For small businesses, Instagram which has over 1 billion MAUs and Facebook that has 2.27 billion MAUs as per, are the right platforms for getting started at once with advertising and promotion on social media. You may browse through ‘5 steps to become famous in IG’ that would help you get traction.

Thanks to the dynamic functionality and wide reach, most businesses would reap immense benefits from social media presence.

Social Media Advertising Is Cost-Effective

Since more social media platforms are adding algorithms for filtering what users would be seeing in the news feeds, often your organic content could get lost. You must, therefore, utilize the cost-effective advertising features provided by the various social media platforms for promoting your contest and highlighting special offers. Remember social media advertising is generally, much cheaper as compared to conventional advertising so it is not mandatory on your part to spend huge amounts of money for reaching a wider target audience and growing your business.

Social Media Penetrates All Demographics & Ages

Social media is known to defy all age barriers. We know that 69 percent of the adults in the U.S.A. are social media users, as per the latest 2018 data provided by Pew Research Center.Statistics reveal that 88 percent of young adults in the age group of 18 to 29 years use some form of social networking. That share dips to 78 percent among the age group 30 to 49 years, and we find that 64% of adults belonging to the age group of 50 to 64 years are active on social media platforms. So, irrespective of the age of your precise target audience, there is every chance that a wide majority of them would be on popular social media platforms.

Enhanced Brand Recognition

Advertising on social media platforms has proved instrumental in boosting brand recognition. When businesses post regularly on various social media platforms they get an opportunity to interact actively with their customers and potential customers on familiar grounds. This sort of a consistent interaction would be generating an element of credibility. Once your clients are familiar with your specific brand, they would be recommending your brand to family and friends, thus, boosting overall brand reach and brand recognition.

A Boost in Brand Loyalty

For any organization to succeed, it is crucial to get a loyal and dedicated clientele base. We know that companies are too happy to welcome new customers but they simply cannot do without the loyalists. If you wish to get impressive conversion rates, you need to have loyalists. Social media advertising helps in creating an effective open service platform for customers to express their feelings and views regarding the products and services offered.

Definite Boost in Conversion Rates

We have seen that a wide majority of the global population is certainly on social media. Social media advertising is an effective way of targeting potential clients who are actively using popular social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.  Thanks to the boost in brand visibility due to social media advertising, you would be attracting more leads to your website and there is a definite possibility of an increase in conversion rates. An organization could boost its sales, as well as, profits by chalking out a well-articulated and neatly-crafted social media advertising strategy.

Conclusion: Social Media Is All-Pervasive

You would find social media everywhere. Today, over 50 percent of the American citizens are smartphone users and companies are increasingly providing mobile-friendly experiences. The phenomenally popular social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are known to be providing free mobile apps which allow business owners to effectively manage their social media presence on-the-go. All small business owners must consider advertising on these popular social networking sites and enjoy the immense benefits.

Author bio –

Daniel Mattei is a Professional writer. He has written many articles on Social Media. He is quite experienced in the field of web marketing as well as website designing. You may browse through ‘5 steps to become famous in IG’ that would help you get traction.