Going away with the guys can be a great way to bond, recharge your batteries, and create fun memories. Planning a guys’ weekend can be a challenge and you will need to be organized to make your trip a success. Here are some suggestions to help you arrange the perfect guys’ weekend:

Give everyone plenty of notice

Life is hectic and most people are busy trying to juggle work, hobbies, family, and other commitments. One of the most difficult parts of planning a guy’s trip is finding a weekend when everyone is free. Choosing a date should be the very first thing that you do when you start planning your trip.


Contact your friends and find out when everyone is free. Make sure you give everyone plenty of notice so they can arrange childcare and book time off work if necessary. You can use a group messaging app like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp to discuss possible dates and make travel arrangements.

Discuss everyone’s budget

You must be mindful of everyone’s budget when you are planning a weekend away with friends. Some of your friends may have lots of disposable income whereas others may be working with a tight budget. Have an open conversation about how much everyone can afford to spend and make sure that the trip fits within everyone’s budget. If you’re planning the perfect guys weekend and want to shake things up with a caravan but are having financing issues, consider a caravan loan in Australia to help with budgeting.

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Calculate a realistic budget and give everyone an idea of how much the trip is going to cost. You can slash the cost of the weekend by choosing a more budget-friendly destination or reducing the length of your trip. You can use the Splitwise Travel Calculator to split costs fairly while you’re away.

Book a holiday villa

Trying to book multiple rooms in the same hotel can be a nightmare when you’re traveling with friends. Avoid this hassle by booking an Airbnb or holiday villa. Shared villas are usually much more affordable when you are traveling in a group and you won’t have to worry about being split up.

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If it’s a special occasion, then see if your friends want to splash out on a luxury villa. This reunion resort offers a wide selection of holiday homes that are perfect for large groups. Many villas come with outstanding facilities like private pools, arcade rooms, movie theaters, and gyms. This could provide the backdrop for an unforgettable guys’ weekend.

Organize fun activities

No guys’ weekend is complete without fun activities and entertainment. Keep your friends busy with exciting activities like paint-balling, go-carting, and beer tasting. Get the whole group involved in the planning and let everyone pick an activity they’d like to do during the trip.


Guy time is good for your mind and body. Spending quality time with your friends is important and you should make an effort to organize group trips and events. Planning the perfect guys’ trip is hard work, but it’ll be worth it. Use these suggestions to help you arrange a memorable weekend away with your guy mates.