5 Top Types of Outsourcing Your Business Should Consider


Things have changed a lot in business in the past decade. We went from hiring people in-house for everything to outsourcing a lot of regular business functions.

This trend is even more accurate for small businesses. Reports show that 82% of small companies have increased outsourcing parts of their operations in 2022.

If you’re ready to start outsourcing and don’t know where to start, this post will help. Below are five types of outsourcing that are worth investigating for your business.

5 Top Types of Outsourcing Your Business Should Consider

1. Recruiting

It isn’t cheap to hire new talent. You have to spend the time and money to set up job postings and conduct interviews. It’s even worse if you hire the wrong employee.

Outsourcing your recruiting to another firm can save you both time and money. They have a database of qualified candidates for you. If they provide you a bad hire, you won’t owe them anything.

2. Administration

How much of your day do you spend doing repetitive work and scheduling your day? The chances are you’re wasting several hours of your week.

Outsourcing administrative work means you can spend your time doing things that really matter. Some businesses will handle all your data entry, scheduling, and other administrative tasks for you.

3. Accounting

Your financials are one thing that you can’t get wrong with your business. If you want to do things right, you’re going to spend a lot of time looking at everything to make sure everything is in order. Even if you’re careful, it’s easy to let things slip by if you aren’t an experienced accountant.

You can work with an accounting business every month to handle the finances for your business. A monthly fee will give you access to an expert accountant who will make sure your books are in order.

4. Marketing

You know how to serve your customers. The question is, how good are you at getting new ones?

If you’re struggling to grow your customer base, you need to find a marketing channel that reaches new people. However, this is hard to do when you spend your day working with your current customers.

You can work with a marketing company to build your ad campaigns and reach new people.

5. IT Support

You can’t do without technology if you want to compete with business today. The problem is that having an in-house team is expensive. You can’t cheap out if you want the best talent.

How Could Managed IT Services Help Your Business?

Managed IT support gives you the best of both worlds. You pay a monthly retainer for the level of support you want, and you get access to the best minds in the field.

There Are More Types of Outsourcing Out There

Don’t think that you’re limited to the types of outsourcing above. There is a lot of work involved in running a business. Make sure you outsource everything your business can’t handle itself, so you and your team can focus on the tasks that you’re great at doing.

After you free up time, you can start focusing on bringing in new business. Head back to our blog to read our latest marketing tips that will help you grow your company.