Are you a new author having trouble getting your book printed? This article will explain everything you need to know.

Writing a novel needs a great deal of imagination, time, and patience. Authors spend most of their time attempting to polish their scripts through writing and editing. However, this is hardly the most challenging part of the procedure for an author; it is the printing of the book.

It is believed that printing or publishing an e-book would be advantageous during this era. Surprisingly, the traditional mode of physical book sale continues to outsell e-books and has a better chance of reaching the general public, thus giving you more benefit.

Before you publish your book as a new author in the block, you must first clear a few hurdles. Don’t worry; this article will tell you exactly what you need to do to successfully print and distribute your book.

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Find a Designer for the Book Cover

The most important aspect of book printing is having a captivating book cover. This will be a valuable tool in promoting your work to readers. If your book has an excellent print quality and a brilliant cover, no one will be able to tell the difference between your self-published book and one printed by a major publishing house.

For your book cover, it is best to hire a professional designer. However, you can make your own design if you have an artistic soul and want to create an extra sentimental value to your book. Just remember to do some research on what constitutes a decent book cover.

Find a POD Suitable for You

Print-on-demand (POD) has transformed the globe in this era of e-books and technological innovations. If you want to be a successful self-publisher, this technology will help you because it allows you to print a smaller batch of books at a reduced cost, boosting the value of printing.

IngramSpark, Bookbay, Lulu, and Blurb are all excellent places to begin if you are looking for companies that provide POD. They offer various services to their customers, including design templates for book covers and layouts for the internal pages. Digital printing is improving and helps you to keep the quality of your book. It is recommended as the best printing option for new writers.

Find a Professional Editor/Proofreader

Writing may be a time-consuming and energy-intensive task. When you’re writing continuously, it’s inevitable that you’ll miss a few typos. Therefore, hiring a skilled editor is critical. You can achieve as close to ideal writing as possible, even if it isn’t perfect.

There are many forms of revisions, so when you employ an editor, make sure you know which one you require. The flow and consistency of your book are checked by developmental editors. They propose adjustments if anything does not appear correct about the language. Copy editors fix grammatical and spelling errors. Editors are essential in the self-publishing process.

Find a Good Marketing Strategy

You will need to promote your book to succeed. If you are not a well-known public figure, it is unrealistic to expect your book to reach a large readership immediately. You must therefore invest in a stable marketing plan. Having perfect metadata is a good approach to ensure your book reaches a larger online audience.

Nevertheless, if you want your book to be successful, you’ll need to promote it as well. Guerrilla marketing, book reviews, book exposure, digital advertising, and various other methods are all viable options. For the best results, carefully plan your book promotion and get a foothold on your book marketing technique before you release your novel.

Find the Correct Size for Your Book

It is rather typical for authors to choose the ‘standard’ book size because it is easier to stack on shelves and transport. However, the size of your book should be determined by your target demographic audience and genre or style of your writing.

You can quickly discover which book size is best for you with a little bit of research. Look for books comparable to your genre and category. Don’t be shy about measuring them with a ruler once you’ve found them. If you’re working with a POD, they may also offer you a sizing chart for various categories and genres. Choose the one that best fits the description of your book.

Find Some Writing Buddies

While writing may seem like a solitary occupation, you will quickly discover that networking with other authors and professionals in the industry can have significant benefits. They may provide you with valuable reviews and assist you in spreading the word about your book.

Go to your local bookshops and libraries and socialize with the people working there and their regular customers. These individuals have clout when it comes to suggesting your book to readers and supporting you in expanding your audience. Book readers are the best people, so make as many acquaintances as you can.

Find the Perfect Font and Paper Type

While making the book cover might be a lot of fun, it’s a better idea to start with the internal pages. The book’s font has a significant impact. The number of pages necessary and the spine of the book is determined by the typeface of the book. This will also decide the overall weight of the book.

The type of paper used is another crucial aspect in influencing the weight of the book. If the paper is overly thin, it will give the impression of being shoddy and fragile. You should become familiar with both coated and uncoated papers.

If you want your book to have a more natural feel, go with uncoated paper. If you want your paper to have more texture, you can use coated paper, which comes in various finishes such as glossy, semi-glossy, matte, pearl, and so on.

Lastly, Be Practical

Due to the sheer self-publishing revolution, anyone with a narrative can now publish a book, resulting in a deluge of content on top of all the books published by established publishers each year, meaning you’re unlikely to sell thousands of books.

That being said, create a goal for yourself and make a plan to achieve it. Success does not happen overnight, so you must be patient and wise in your investments. You could even become the next James Patterson if you have the right combination of talent, knowledge, and a solid business approach. Good luck!