One of the age-old questions is whether qualifications are better than experience.

With 45% of employers globally saying that they can’t find people with the right skills to fill their vacancies, studying may be a good route for getting the skills for one of these jobs.

Of course, with the number of online learning options available these days, earning certifications needn’t involve spending a lot of time and money on attending a formal course.

So, why not get a qualification anyway?

With thousands of easy certifications available online, you could sign-up and be on track to get the career of your dreams with great ease.

Before you apply, you’ll need to decide on a course of study. One thing that may influence your decision is finding out which are the most valuable certifications.

In this article, we’ll discuss the best certifications for jobs that you can earn online.

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Choosing a Course of Study that Offers the Most Valuable Certifications

Many people may argue that certification is just a piece of paper and that it means nothing. If you just want a certificate for the sake of having something with your name on, you can learn more about realistic fake diplomas here.

However, let’s discuss how you can get useful certifications.

The way to assess which certifications are the most valuable is by looking at the time and cost of the certification. This should then be compared with the entry-level salaries in the field of work you could enter with the qualification.

Ultimately, if you are planning on making a career in a specific job role or sector, it’ll help if you have an interest and a passion for the profession.

CISSP Certification

If you are looking for a career in information security, you may want to consider taking a CISSP certification course online. The certification is offered by the Computing Security Association (CSA) and is one of the most respected certifications available. It requires study of security concepts and principles, as well as hands-on experience with various security technologies. After completing the course, you will be able to work in a variety of security-related positions.

Microsoft Certification

Microsoft produces some of the most commonly used software in the world. For many major businesses, having an in-house Microsoft certified employee will mean that they have the right tech support.

There are several routes you can take in terms of a specialty; these include job-role and software-specific certifications, such as Azure developers.

There are also three different levels of Microsoft azure certification; Fundamental, Associate, and Expert.

For each certification, you will need to prepare and sit through an exam. These can be done in a test center, or they can be done online.

The level of value that your certification will bring you will depend on the specific role and level. With your certification, you may find work as a system analyst, a database administrator, or within many other roles.

There are flexible on-demand courses available that use video and text. Microsoft Certified Trainers lead the courses.

The costs will vary depending on which certification you opt for.

Leadership and Management

A certification in leadership and management can be used in a variety of different industries.

This is a versatile certification. Securing this will put you in good stead for getting several different positions, including roles such as company CEO.

Most universities will offer online certification in leadership and management. The cost of the study will vary, and it may be quite expensive. Remember though, that your earning potential may rapidly increase with a leadership and management certification.

International Business Management

The world’s a big place. If you get an international business management qualification, this could help you rise the ranks in a domestic business with global links. Or, it could even help you get a job at a foreign corporation with offices either in your country or overseas.

You may be working in the import and export industry, the finance sector, or in any number of other areas.

Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification

Having a certification in project management will provide you several different career avenues to explore.

Project management courses will cover a range of topics. A PMP will help you gain valuable skills including; communication, risk assessment, cost-estimation, time-management, and more.

Project management qualifications are useful to people working in all sectors, from small businesses to corporations, and from non-profits through to specific trades.

This type of qualification is offered online from many universities. Again, course fees will vary; however, you could dramatically increase your earning position with this type of useful certification.

Risk Management

With every business under pressure to continually improve their health and safety standards, there is always going to be a lot of call for people with risk management qualifications.

But the role of a risk manager may be more diverse than health and safety; it may be concerned with minimizing financial losses, or any other form of business risk.

Different sectors will have their own specific risks. This means that you could find a career in this role working within an industry that you may have an interest in.

Having a formal risk management certification displays a high degree of professionalism and skill. In many businesses, a specialist in risk management can expect to be well paid.

Human Resources

Having a human resources certification can help you to progress within the field, HR is not about hiring and firing, there is also more complicated areas such as conflict management, and organizational development to think about.

A role within HR could be interested and varied.

Accounting Certifications

If you have a good head for numbers, you may want to consider becoming an accountant.

As an accountant, you could be working with people, businesses, and other organizations.

There are lots of different course options for accountants. However, one of the certifications that can help you to progress in your career the most is the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification.

To obtain a CPA certification, you’ll need to do 150 credit hours, which is more than a standard degree. Although once qualified, you will find plenty of work as an account.

Start Applying

Once you have worked out which are the most valuable certifications, and you’ve decided which career path you are most interested in following, you can start to apply for online courses.

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