Of all tasks, none is more challenging than arresting audience attention within a few seconds. Well, nearly hundreds and thousands of people pass by store windows on a daily basis, most distracted by their smartphones, juicy gossips, or something else.

Given the span a person lasts within the frame of the store window, the display has to be nothing short of phenomenal to not just stop the passer-by but also tug at their heartstrings to enter the store for more.

For those ready to take on this challenge with their creativity, an exciting career option of a visual merchandising specialist awaits. Given below are steps to becoming one.

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Step#1 Pursuing a relevant professional course

It goes without saying that professional courses play a huge role in helping students advance in their careers, and the same rings true in the case of visual merchandising specialists. The very first step towards establishing a successful career in the field is to pursue merchandising course from renowned institutions. Throughout their course study, students will not only understand the purpose and basics of merchandising, but they will have a thorough knowledge of visual presentation, item arrangement, product promotion, vendor negotiation, inventory maintenance, and more.

Step#2 Interning at local fashion houses

“The only source of knowledge is experience,” quoted the great physicist, Albert Einstein. All theories are only as useful as they are applicable, and aspiring visual merchandising specialists must ensure that they make the most of any opportunity they get to gain some hands-on experience in their field. Aspirants can approach fashion houses in their vicinity for assisting prospects, especially the small-scale, newly-established ones, as they are more likely to be looking for voluntary services of a budding visual merchandising specialist.

There could be nothing to lose and nothing better than to work in a real work field, exploring one’s potential, and putting theory into practice. Such opportunities are also offered by most top colleges, and one can even look for them online on job search websites.

Step#3 Fashioning a competent portfolio

Interning may not require a solid portfolio, but applying for an actual job would, beyond a shadow of a doubt. This holds true, notwithstanding the aspirant’s desire to get hired by top fashion houses or work as an independent freelancer.

The portfolio can either be designed to follow a particular theme or season, documenting the creation of window displays right from concept to final design. One’s skills in mannequin styling, pop-up shop setups, exhibition arrangements, print designs, etc. can also be presented in detail to give potential clients and employers a clear picture. It’s crucial to separate oneself from the herd, and a stellar portfolio is that one hit-or-miss golden shot at it.

Step#4 Building a lucrative network

This one may demand some change of perspective for many. It’s true that networking is time-consuming, at times awkward, and depending on one’s persona, it can even be downright draining. And that is only because it is one of the most powerful career drivers, especially in the fashion industry.

There’s a saying that goes, “It’s not about what you know; it’s about who you know.” And while that is not entirely true, to a large extent, strong connections can and do push careers in the right direction! Aspirants must maintain strong relationships with fellow aspirants, college professors, industry experts they come across, fashion houses, and so on.

When one feels it’s time to transform their dream of becoming a visual merchandising specialist into a reality, it’s time to pursue merchandising course from top-class institutions like the Pearl Academy. Students will receive extensive knowledge of core areas of Merchandising, Marketing, Branding, Product Development, and more for successful careers in the competitive industry.