With appliances running smoothly, life in our homes, offices or business places can be much easier. But we all know appliances at some point due to wear and tear or other causes eventually develop problems. We can experience stressful times when appliances stop working properly or break down completely. At that point we need to get them fixed as soon as possible, so that we can continue enjoying the benefits of using such appliances and getting things done more efficiently. Appliance problems and solutions vary as there are different types and brands of appliances. We therefore need the right appliance service tech for the right appliance repair and situation.

While looking for the best appliance repair technician to help you solve your appliance problem, consider the following factors:

Brand And Type Of Appliance That Needs To Be Fixed

With all different types, brands and models of appliances available out there, few appliance service technicians can possibly fix them all. Most appliance repair companies will typically list the brands and types of appliances that their technicians specialize in fixing. So when you’re looking for an appliance repair solution and end up calling any company or technician, remember to specify exactly what type of appliance you have and the brand. Having that information at hand speeds the process of finding the right appliance technician for you.

Residential Vs Commercial Appliances

Appliances that are used in commercial settings can be very different from the ones used in residential settings. While some manufacturers can make appliances for both of these settings, there are other manufacturers that will only make appliances strictly for commercial but not residential environments and vice versa. When calling around to find a technician, it helps to be aware if what you have is a commercial or a residential household appliance. That can definitely make your online search for an appliance repair service tech much easier, and that way you can end up calling most of the right places.

Major Appliances Vs Small Appliances

Major appliances like refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dryers, stoves, ovens, some microwaves and some ice makers are all good candidates for appliance repair in most situations. However, cheap countertop microwaves, stand-alone ice makers, mini refrigerators, mixers, blenders and anything else that can be categorized as a small appliance may not be worth fixing. It can be more expensive to repair a small appliance than it is to buy a new one. So that’s something to keep in mind when you are looking for a repairman. Major appliances are expensive and it makes sense to get them repaired to extend their life spans. But even with the major appliances, at some point they are no longer worth fixing. If the appliance is too old and almost nearing the end of its lifespan or if parts are no longer available in the market, it is not worth repairing. Generally, if the cost of repair is 50% the cost of buying a new appliance, or if an appliance has exceeded 50% of its life span, in any of those situations you may want to consider buying a brand new appliance. You may still want to book an appointment with an appliance repair technician to diagnose the appliance, and if need be give you that kind of advice to decide if you need to proceed with any repairs or buy a new appliance. When looking for an appliance service technician ask if they give such advice.

Location, Urgency Of Appliance Service & Cost Implications

The best thing to do when you need appliance repair is to always consider getting a local appliance repairman. That is even more important if you need same day appliance service at an affordable cost. You may not want to wait for too long when you have a broken refrigerator and a lot of food items stored in it. Some appliance repair companies will provide emergency appliance services but at an extra cost for you. In such situations, the cost may increase based on how far the appliance repairman is located from your place. So looking for an appliance service technician nearby will often work to your advantage in terms of the response you get and the price you end up paying. Google makes it much easier for you to find local appliance techs or companies you can trust based on reviews from other customers within your local area.

Requirements To Service Appliances Under Warranty

Sometimes appliances will develop problems even when they are relatively brand new. If your appliance is not older than one year, it is still most likely under warranty. If such an appliance develops problems, you should first call the manufacturer who will in turn advise you which appliance repair companies or technicians you should call for service. They usually authorize specific appliance service companies or repairmen to fix appliances on behalf of their customers whose appliances are still under warranty. If you just call any other appliance tech and fail to let them know that your appliance is still under warranty or not older than one year, you may end up voiding the warranty in addition to paying for the repairs yourself instead of having the manufacturer pay for it.