Did you know that you should wash your windows once every month or two? That’s likely a lot more than you are currently conducting window cleaning.

To clean your windows you need the time to do it or the money to hire a window cleaning professional. Whether you clean your windows DIY style or hire the pros, you need to know the best window cleaner. Read this article to learn more about getting streakless windows for the perfect view.

Professional Tips for Designing Small Bathroom Interior

1. Select the Best Window Cleaner Product

To have beautiful clean windows you need to use the best window cleaner. This product will likely be different for every user’s circumstance. Some people may opt to purchase a window cleaner with chemicals like ammonia, while others may choose to go an all-natural route with vinegar.

Determine which type of product you prefer and then you can purchase a cleaning solution or make a window cleaner solution yourself at home.

2. Use Proper Window Cleaning Equipment

When it comes time to clean your windows you should use proper cleaning equipment to ensure the final product is streak-free. High-quality window cleaning tools go a long way and they make window cleaning a whole lot easier. With the right tools, you will be able to get the satisfaction of achieving professional-level cleaning results. Consider purchasing the following items to use in your window cleaning:

• Squeegee
• Razorblade scraper
• Window cleaning solution
• Microfiber cloth
• Ladder

These window cleaning items will help you achieve the perfect clean windows.

3. Hire Professional Window Cleaners or DIY

Another decision to make when planning to wash your windows is if you will hire a professional or if you will do it yourself. You might want to use professionals like this window washing service if you have a large number of windows, extra-large windows, or windows that are very high up.

Exterior window washing that is several stories above ground-level should always be left to the professionals.

4. Interior vs Exterior Window Cleaning Tips 

It’s crucial to clean both sides of your windows to achieve an unobstructed view. Interior and exterior windows can largely be treated the same, however extra safety precautions should be put in place to clean exterior windows that require a ladder.

Consider using different window cleaning solutions depending on the side of your window. Exterior window panes may need additional cleanings or special products to keep them spot-free.

5. Follow the Best Way to Clean Windows

When cleaning your windows it is a good idea to use a method. Try to follow these simple steps when cleaning your windows to achieve a streak-free final product.

1. Scrub the glass with a window solution and a microfiber cloth or sponge.
2. Work from the top of the window to the bottom.
3. Squeegee the glass in a pattern starting from a corner and working across the window.

Enjoy your new clean windows!

Get a Perfect View with the Best Window Cleaner

Now that you know five great window washing tips you can get started with the best window cleaner for your situation. When selecting the right cleaner and method for your home or office remember to keep these five tips in mind.

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to read others on our blog for more cleaning tips.