Thanks to the internet, we are constantly bombarded with ideas and methods to help us instantly improve our lives. Self-help is such a vast industry that it can be overwhelming to know where to start on your journey of self-improvement. Should you make big changes or small ones, listen to this doctor or that one?

There is no cure-all when it comes to improving your wellbeing. Instead, it is often better to make several smaller changes that will add up over time. This can be a much more manageable way to change our lifestyles, particularly for those set in their ways.

Try Out A Standing Desk

If you struggle to fit exercise into your daily routine, then making use of a standing desk could be the perfect compromise. While standing certainly doesn’t burn as many calories as energetic exercise, it does burn more than sitting. Standing up can also positively impact your posture and chances of developing certain medical conditions, which are exacerbated by sitting for prolonged periods.

Use a Sit/Stand Desk

If standing for eight hours at a time sounds a bit too intense for you, you could also look into desks that can convert from standing to sitting and back again. This will allow you to switch standing for an hour with sitting and build your way up to standing for the whole day.

Make Meaningful Memories

The memories we make can last for a lifetime, so there’s no better way to raise your mood than by putting thought and effort into having new and lasting experiences. The best way to do this is simple – spend time with the people you love and truly engage with them while you’re together. The thing you are doing doesn’t matter as much as the connections you are making.


You could consider agreeing on a no-phone policy with friends and family to ensure that you get to spend quality time in each other’s company. It may also help to avoid activities that don’t lend themselves to spending quality time with people, like going to the movies.

Drink The Right Amount Of Water

Many of us don’t drink as much water each day as we should. This is roughly three pints for women and four pints for men per day. Making a conscious effort to drink the right amount of water can help you feel healthier, happier and prevent the negative impact that dehydration can have on our bodies.


It may also help to cut out or reduce the amount of caffeine you drink each day. Things like coffee, energy drinks and tea have varying levels of caffeine and can contribute to feelings of dehydration and poor quality of sleep.

Consider Cutting Out Alcohol

Alcohol can be fun as an occasional treat or to celebrate a special occasion. However, using alcohol too frequently can lead to a number of negative consequences for both your physical and mental wellbeing. For example, alcohol has been known to cause anxiety, particularly when someone has drunk to the point of blacking out. It can also be easy to become dependent on alcohol, leading to alcohol abuse and misuse.

stop drinking

Whether you stop drinking alcohol altogether or simply moderate your intake is up to you. It may help to experiment with both to see which you find most beneficial. It is definitely helpful to try taking extended breaks frequently, even if you don’t plan to give it up forever. Check out this author’s experience with not drinking for some inspiration and to learn more about the benefits of not drinking.

Have A Social Media Detox

Social media can have a negative impact on our wellbeing. We are constantly bombarded with photoshopped images and staged posts showing the most positive and often unrealistic elements of peoples’ lives, which can lead to feelings of despair and inadequacy.


Instead of scrolling your days away through the feeds of others, consider uninstalling the apps from your phone and making a point to do something fun. The amount of time you take away from your screen is totally up to you. You could start with an hour and work your way up, or jump straight in at the deep end and delete your profiles permanently.

Take Up Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness are practices that help you connect with your body and the world around you. They can have an incredible impact on your mental health, and are excellent for people who struggle to switch off and calm their thoughts, and can be a helpful aid in helping you to drift off to sleep.

the guy is meditating on a stone in the forest

You could start with ten or 15 minutes per day. Ensure that you are in a space where you won’t be disturbed, and find a guided meditation video online to help you begin. You could also improve the atmosphere by lighting a scented candle, dimming the lights and getting comfortable in your favorite chair or sofa.

Improve Your Posture

For those of us who work 9 to 5 in an office, our posture can cause a lot of aches and pains. While getting up and about throughout your working day can do a lot to help alleviate the pain caused by sitting for hours at a time, improving our posture when seated and standing can be much more effective.

desk exercise daily

You could start by ensuring you are correctly sitting at your desk. There are plenty of online guides on how to tell if you are sitting properly. Once you have ascertained that you are sitting correctly, you can work on improving your overall posture. You can do this with some simple exercises to build up the muscle in your back and core. It is a good idea to get in touch with your physician or physiotherapist if you are unsure of how best to improve your posture.

Invest In Blackout Blinds

Our quality of sleep can have wide-ranging effects on our health and wellbeing. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that the space we sleep in is optimized to promote good sleep. You can do this in many ways, the most critical being having a good quality mattress and pillows.

5 Reasons That Justify the Importance of a Good Night's Sleep

Another important way to ensure good sleep habits is by investing in blinds that will block out the daylight when you are trying to sleep. These can be particularly useful during the summer months, where the sun tends to rise well before we do. Blackout blinds can also be invaluable if you live in heavily built-up areas, as they will block out the lights of cars, street lamps and other buildings at night.

Declutter Your Living Space

Clutter can be a big cause of stress and anxiety. Whether it’s annoyance at being unable to find what you need or embarrassment at inviting people over before you’ve had a chance to tidy up, clutter can disrupt our ability to relax and unwind at home.

move in house

You can manage this issue by decluttering regularly. If the task of decluttering all at once seems a bit too daunting, you can break it down into manageable chunks. For instance, start with one room or area and move methodically throughout your home over days or even weeks. You can then donate or throw out anything you haven’t used in six months or use the Marie Kondo method of clearing anything that no longer sparks joy from your home.