A good dog trainer can make all of the difference in the behavior of your pup. You have to find a fit that works well for you and them, though.

Kip Doggy Day Care Melbourne reminds us that dogs are just as much individuals as we are, and it’s important that the trainer knows this and there’s some measure of chemistry among them, the dog and the owner. We’re going to take a look at some of the qualities that you should look for in a dog trainer, giving you a little insight into finding the best match when hiring a dog trainer.

Let’s get started.


1. Positive Environment

The first thing to look for is the general look and feel of the training facility. Does it look like a place that’s created for the wellbeing of the dog?

Are the other dogs in the environment content and how are they being treated? If you can, it’s a good idea to look at reviews from previous clients or talk with individuals who have brought their dogs to the facility in the past.

If the environment doesn’t agree with the way that you like to treat your dog, then it might not be the best fit for you. For example, maybe you’re a very relaxed owner looking to tighten up your dog’s social skills.

A very militant dog trainer could be effective, but that environment and its training methods might not match your values.

2. Communication

You should also make sure that you have clear communication with the dog trainer. If they can’t express to you what they’re doing with your dog, then you have no idea whether or not they’re worth the investment.

You’re putting the well-being of your beloved animal in their care, so it’s important that you get a good feel for who they are as a person. Further, you should be able to reach out to them and ask questions, have conversations, and feel comfortable with your choice to hand your dog over.

If you can’t get along with the person to some degree, it’s best to wait a little while until you find a trainer that’s a little more personable.

3. Patience

This should go without saying, but your dog trainer should have enough of an understanding of dogs to be patient and kind with them.

We’ve all seen the dog owner who yells at their pup in public. There’s no patience involved, the dog doesn’t learn, and there’s emotional damage to the pup itself.

Your dog trainer should not exhibit any of this behavior. If you see them yelling at dogs or treating them in a reactive way, move along to the next option. Find a trainer who will wait with your dog, take the requisite time to teach them, and treat your animal with kindness.

Dog’s Ears

Want to Learn More about Dog Training?

Hopefully, the information above gave you a little insight into what to look for when hiring a dog trainer. There’s a lot more to learn if you want to find the perfect fit, though.

We’re here to help.

Explore our site for more ideas on finding the right trainer and winding up with a well-behaved dog.