There are a number of ways to earn money through your blog and affiliate marketing is one of them. Affiliate marketing is the cheapest and effective marketing tactic to increase revenue. If you already know what is affiliate marketing then you must know the benefits it brings to both merchants and affiliates. If this is something new for you, let me try to explain it in a few lines.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing - Handwriting image

It is the process of earning a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. In affiliate marketing, an affiliate does not market or sell his own products. Instead, he sells another merchant’s products and earns a specific percentage as commission every time the product is sold through his affiliate link.

It is a win-win situation for both affiliates and merchants. An affiliate partner capitalizes on his blog traffic and earns a commission on each purchase. For the merchant, it’s a low risk and high ROI promotional channel. They only pay when there is a sale.

Affiliate sales are in billion dollars and they are increasing every year. Blogs are the primary source of these sales. What can you do to boost your affiliate sales through your blog? The following tips from will help you do this.

1. Build your Audience

Where there is traffic, there is business. Who will click on your affiliate link if nobody visits your blog? To turn your blog into an affiliate sales machine, you have to take steps to ensure more and more relevant people visit your blog. How to increase blog traffic is beyond the scope of this article but the following bulleted points will serve as guiding principles to dive deeper.

Optimize content for search engines
Create relevant, high quality, fresh content
Write guest posts for sites related to your niche
Submit your work to content curation sites
Use social media for brand awareness
Build email subscribers and send newsletters

2. Establish Authority in your Niche

People will only click on your recommended affiliate link if they know it is coming from someone who is an expert in the niche. Content is the primary source by which you can establish your expertise and gain visitor’s trust. This is the one thing all high traffic blogs have in common.

Share the latest, most valuable, and credible information about your particular area. Use catchy headlines to grab customer’s attention. Cover every area of the topic you are writing about. Back your claims, statistics, and facts with credible sources.

Another thing that will help you establish authority is the frequency with which you share content. Out of sight, out of mind is true in blogging. Make sure you constantly update your blog and share new articles at least once or twice every week.

3. Dedicate a Review Post

Dedicating a detailed review post introducing your affiliate product, explaining its importance, benefits and usage will go a long way in its sales. When you are writing a review post, keep the following points in mind.

Be honest. Don’t just focus on the positive points but mention the downsides also if there are any.
Include product images and provide all the information you have to offer about the product.
Don’t be too formal. Use a conversational and personal tone instead.
Most importantly, use the product yourself and show behind the scenes functionalities. This gives you credibility and conveys to your visitors that you believe in the product.

4. Promote Blog Posts

A very effective technique is to put your affiliate links inside your blog posts and then promote those posts. These should be highly targeted posts.

The way to write such posts is to first research buying intent keywords related to your product and putting them in your article logically. For example, if you are selling a portable Bluetooth speaker, or offering web design services in Al Khobar some buying intent keywords can be:

Buy portable bluetooth speaker
Buy portable bluetooth speaker online
Best portable bluetooth speaker online
Best portable bluetooth speaker site
Best Web Design Al Khobar company

Now come up with a catchy title that tempts customers to click on it. For example, “Buy the Best Portable Bluetooth Speaker Online”.

If your product is technical, you can write How-to articles and explain how to use it. How-to articles always perform better on search engines.

5. Have your Own Bonuses

Why should people buy from you instead of all the other people? For this, you have got to give them some incentive. Your bonuses could be something as simple as a 30-minute phone call with you, a free PDF of some value, a blog post you have hidden on your site to give away for free, a coupon code, courses & training, etc. Anything extra that entices customers to prefer your product.

Bonuses work for anyone selling just about anything. It instills the fear of missing out in people and gives them a reason to buy. Of course, you will only be able to give away discounts when your margins are enough.