10 Best Practices to Create High-Converting Landing Pages in HubSpot


Landing pages are a crucial part of your marketing campaign. If you had worked with any digital transformation agency, you would know how important landing pages are. A well-designed and optimized landing page can generate more leads, promote your brand, and drive sales. Landing pages are specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. It is the first page that your customer lands upon after they click on an online ad or an email. If you are a marketer using HubSpot, you have an advantage – you can create high-converting landing pages without any coding expertise. In this blog post, we will discuss ten best practices to help you create effective and engaging landing pages in HubSpot.

1. Clear and Concise Headline: A clear and concise headline is essential for grabbing your reader’s attention. Your headline should be short, simple, and relevant to the information on the page. You should aim to communicate the benefit of your offer in as few words as possible. Your headline should be in a large font, and it should be the first thing that visitors see when they land on your page.

2. Focus on a Single Call-to-Action: Your landing page should have one primary call-to-action (CTA). Avoid confusing your reader with too many options. Decide what action you want your visitors to take. Whether it is to sign up for a newsletter, download an e-book, or schedule a consultation, give them easy access to it. Make sure that your CTA stands out from the rest of the page.

3. Use Engaging Images and Videos: Using engaging images or videos can significantly improve your conversion rates. The visual aspect of your landing page is just as important as the written content. Use high-quality and relevant images that align with your value proposition to make your page more engaging. However, don’t overdo it, as they can slow down your page loading speed.

4. Keep Your Forms Short: People don’t like filling out too many form fields, so keep your forms short, precise, and straightforward. Your form should be simple and easy to fill out. Only ask for essential information, and don’t ask for too much. The more fields you have, the less likely visitors are to fill out your form. Collect only the necessary information you need to follow up with them so that they don’t abandon the page.

5. Leverage Social Proof: Social proof is a powerful tool that can help you build trust and credibility with your visitors. You can use testimonials, case studies, or numbers on your landing page to show that other people trust and use your product/service. People often trust the opinion and the experience of other users. This can help to reassure your audience that your offer is legitimate and trustworthy.

6. Make it Mobile-Friendly: With the majority of internet users accessing the internet through mobile devices, it is crucial to optimize your landing pages for mobile. Use responsive design to ensure your page is easy to view, navigate, and interact with on all devices. It’s important to make sure that your landing page is responsive and looks good on any device.

7. Ensure Fast Page Load Times: Fast page load times are essential for both user experience and SEO. Compress your images, eliminate unnecessary code, and optimize your page to reduce load times. The faster your page loads, the more likely your visitors will stay and convert.

8. Keep Your Copy Scannable: Online readers are notorious for their short attention spans, so your content must be scannable. Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make your content easy to read and digest.

9. Test and Tweak Continuously: To improve your conversion rates, you must continuously test and tweak your landing pages. Test different headlines, copy, images, and CTAs to see what works best for your audience. HubSpot has built-in A/B testing tools that make it easy to compare the performance of different variations. Use this feature to measure metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Make changes to your page based on the results of your tests. Continuously optimize your page to improve its conversion rates.

10. Optimize Your Thank You Page: Finally, don’t forget to optimize your thank you page that shows up after your visitor takes the desired action. Use it as an opportunity to thank them, offer some additional relevant content, and encourage them to share their experience on social media.


Creating high-converting landing pages in HubSpot requires a combination of design, content, and strategy. By following these 10 best practices, you can create landing pages that convert visitors into leads or customers. Remember to always keep your copy concise, focus on a Single Call-to-Action, use engaging videos and images, and keep refining and testing your strategy to achieve the best possible results over time.

HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing solution that can help you create, track, and optimize your landing pages seamlessly. By implementing these practices, you can make sure that your landing pages are effective and can help you achieve your marketing goals.