Websites sometimes stop working, and most times, you may not understand why it happens. But, there are many solutions to respond to this issue if it happens to you. For a website to function, you have to consider some factors. To understand it better, educate yourself and be proactive to know why websites fail. Below are some key reasons why websites stop working while using them.

  1. Site blocked by a filter

When a website does not open in your device but does for others, what could be the issue? Your firewall may be blocking the Webhost server IP orit is a 3rd party filter is the source of blocking and an IT expert can help you figure this out. Also, if you are streaming content from a website, the ISP is blocking the Webhost server IP address for you are not using service from PirateBay proxy site, for instance. To solve this, open the website on another computer connected to another ISP on a different network. To know it is blocked, it will work for others and not you.

  1. Server failure

If the server’s physical hardware, like the processor, is unresponsive or defective, it means the website will be sluggish, stop working, or works intermittently. Also, it could be the server software failure that is corrupted, outdated or incompatible. Therefore, host your code in a reputable data center with competent staff management to save you much time and trouble.

  1. Browser incompatibility


In some cases, it is a browser issue. Where the website loads, but the display is not proper. For this reason, ensure your IT expert checks your website before making the site live for compatibility with the most popular and current versions of the browsers, such as Chrome and Internet explorer. But, just because it works now does not mean it will function or render well on older or future browser versions. The only way to solve this and prove browser compatibility is through visiting the website with different browsers.

  1. Mismanaged domain name

Where the domain name is expired, the website will not load. Also, the email associated with it will stop working as well. When the domain name is not set up well, the website will stop working. For the domain name to work, the DNS needs to have the proper configuration. If there is an expired or misconfigured SSL on your website, the users will see a security warning message on the site. If this happens, users will distrust the security of the website. For this reason, to avoid this from happening, ensure you have someone managing the domain name actively to avoid letting it expire, for it can take up to two days to have everything working again.

  1. Malware

In some situations, it is obvious your site is hacked. For instance, the hacker may upload photos to it or change the test on your site. But, in some cases, it is not noticeable. Whatever the case, having malware on your website is a serious challenge. To solve this, change your admin password often, ensure the password is not stolen, and use strong passwords. And only install reputable third-party plugins or add-ons.


  1. Coding malfunction

Upgrades or updates of the web framework, hosting server operating system, or computer browser can cause coding malfunction. Also, it can be a malfunction of 3rd party code. It may be beneficial to the developer, but a challenge of not keeping the 3rd party code up to date with the latest web environments. Outdated scripts create security malfunctions and vulnerabilities in a website. Therefore, identify and manage 3rd party codes to ensure it is compatible and updated with the latest standards.

In conclusion, website downtime is an inconvenience to the users, website owners, and web companies. Because of this, ensure all supported plugins and software are up to date with the latest versions. Use trusted partners and tools. Lockdown your server as much as possible and set up monitoring tools to notify you of an issue with the website. More importantly, ensure all server maintenance is on schedule when there is less user traffic and inform the clients when the site is down.