Exam time equals stress, panic, lots of pressure, and tensions running high. What you do before the exam has a huge impact on your academic achievement. Often students focus more on revising or studying last minute and end up doing things that jeopardize the chances of performing well in exams. So what should you not do before an exam? Read on to find out.

Changing Your Study Method

Students in all academic levels compare themselves to one another, especially in terms of academic accomplishments and exam grades. However, it’s more common in situations where students compare themselves to a classmate who ranks top in a specific subject. Thus during the exam, you might find that you are comparing your study method and wondering whether it will yield the result you want.

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Don’t be tempted to change your study techniques days before an exam because students learn material differently. The way someone else studies may not work for you or produce the same results. Besides, comparing yourself to others takes away your time and energy, which could have been used to better prepare for exams.

So every time you get tempted to compare yourself to another student, remember Theodore Roosevelt’s, quote “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Don’t forget to credit yourself based on your own merit and be satisfied with what you have achieved so far.

Taking Frequent Breaks

Students are advised to take breaks while studying to prevent boredom. However, some learners take frequent breaks, which leaves less time to engage with the material actively. Others get caught up browsing social media that they extend the break.

Active reading requires you to concentrate for a specific period without distractions so that you can better absorb the information and boost recall. So days before the exam, have the self-discipline to follow your schedule. You can further use a timer or alarm clock to alert you when break time is over, and then you can get back to your notes.

Studying Smart

In case you need more free time, but you are busy preparing for exams and have a ton of assignments with tight deadlines, reach out to an essay writing service.

Pulling an All-Nighter

Days before the exams, students will stay up all night studying. According to recent college student statistics, 20% of college students pull an all-nighter at least once a month, while 35% do it every week.

Staying up all night wreaks havoc on your sleep pattern and can cause adverse effects on your health. Besides, students who rarely sleep before an exam have the worst scores because they are physically and mentally exhausted. This impairs memorization, recall, and retention, all of which contribute to a poor test score. So instead of staying awake all night, days before the exam, focus on getting quality sleep to improve long-term memory.

Depending on Your Friends to Pass Exams

Some students make the mistake of assuming that when the exam gets tough, they can copy from their friends. This is a form of academic dishonesty which carries hefty penalties, including getting kicked out of that institution or retaking the course.

When you believe you will pass the exam by dishonest means (copying answers from another person’s test) and you won’t get caught, you are less likely to study. Besides, if your friends are moved to a different sitting location by the instructor, you’ll be on your own without the knowledge required to ace the exam. So if you have a dependent mindset, change your thinking, or you’ll be setting yourself up for failure.

Giving Up on Your Social life

Friends play a crucial role in your education. They are a good source of support and resources during exams, but they can also be a great distraction and add to your stress levels. To avoid getting distracted, students avoid socializing during exams.

Studying Smart

However, this can be detrimental to your academic performance, especially if you are stressed and have no one to talk to or ask for help. When you have a tight social group, you can turn to them and get advice on dealing with stress and any other academic challenge. But if your friends are not your biggest supporter, distance yourself from them.

Forgetting to Take a Mock Examination

Taking a mock test is a crucial step for preparing for exams. Mock exams boost confidence, help check your knowledge and identify any weaknesses/knowledge gaps. In addition, if you use practice tests the right way, you can sharpen your time management skill and apply them in actual exams. So use previous exams to get an idea of the type of questions you might encounter in exams.