Struggling to make your money go far enough, and want to add a bit of extra cash to your bank account each month? Simply want to be a bit more efficient with your time to ensure you’re getting the most out of.

Invest your money in any way you can

Depending on the type of funding that you have available, investing for your future can be a great way of putting long-term plans in place, helping you to build towards a financial future and also forming a backbone for your finances for years to come. Having a bolster or a ‘web’ of savings and investments in your back pocket is a crucial aspect of reaching ‘financial freedom’, as it helps to give you the peace of mind to go forward without carrying the burden of financial uncertainty.


Of course, what you invest in and for how long depends on the sort of situation that you’re in at the moment, so let’s look at two examples of differing ‘big and small’ investment strategies:

• If you want to start investing but don’t necessarily have much money to spare, you might decide to get going with one of the many different free investment apps available directly through your smartphone. Not only do these sorts of things take no time to get set up and started with, but you can invest with small amounts too. MoneyBox, for example, rounds up the change from purchase you make, micro-investing it on your behalf especially if there is invoice template. The Big Investment have an interesting blog piece on some of these sorts of apps if this sounds interesting.
• If you have a decent amount of capital saved away, and want to invest in something more long-term and fruitful, property investment can be an incredible strategy for the future. RWinvest, a property investment company based in Liverpool, have a range of different guides, videos and podcasts on how to get started in the property investment sphere, the pitfalls to look out for along the way, and the sorts of benefits you can reap when going down the buy to let route.

Monetising your time spent online

With lockdown restricting travel, many of us are spending more time than ever before online, and so there is plenty of opportunity to think about the sorts of things you spend your time doing, and how you might be able to monetise these practices to put some more savings in to your account.


If you have a blog for example, you might be able to complete guest posts or feature pitches for other sites, earning money for each. You could even monetise and build up your blog, earning money from things like affiliate links and sponsorships once you’ve got a decent among of traffic under your belt.

Alternatively, if you have another similar passion, such as graphic design, you may be able to find freelance work online, through platforms such as UpWork, Fiverr, Freelancer and Indy. These sorts of jobs are ideal, as you can pick the sort of work that you want to do and when you want to do it, meaning that if you’re particularly busy with work one week you can cut back, and then ramp up when you have more time to kill. Overall, these sorts of freelance jobs not only give you a bit of extra money that you wouldn’t have got from doing similar things for fun anyway, but you can built a portfolio online that will help you to get more work in the future.