Statistics show that around 1.5 million people are arrested each year for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

If you’ve been caught driving while intoxicated, the authorities are likely to fine you. However, the fine is just the beginning of the costs you will have to endure. Added insurance premiums, legal bills, and various other expenses will also take a chunk from your finances.

So, how much does a DUI cost altogether? Read on as we tell you all you need to know.

Getting a DUI: A Guide on What to Expect

How Much Does a DUI Cost?

There are a range of costs associated with a DUI conviction. We’ve listed the most important ones here.


The first cost to be considered is the DUI fine itself. The extent of the fine will depend on the seriousness of the offense and the state you’re in.

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There are many different fine classifications when it comes to driving under the influence, including DWI (driving while intoxicated), OUI (operating under the influence), and DUIL (driving under the influence of liquor).

Depending on your state, these may be different terms for the same offense, or they may describe offenses of different severity. On average, court fees and fines for driving under the influence amount to over $1,000.

A second DUI or repeat offenses will carry more severe fines, as well as possible jail time.

Legal Bills

Most people employ an attorney to represent them when facing their DUI charges. Fees for this service vary but are usually significant.

However, good legal representation could secure an acquittal for you. If it does, you won’t end up having to pay any of the other expenses listed here.

To escape liability altogether, however, you will need capable professional help. This DUI lawyer has helped hundreds of drivers to challenge their DUI charges.


If you suffer a DUI conviction, your motor insurance premium will go up considerably. The extent of the increase depends on the approach of insurers in your state, but it could end up being twice as expensive for you to insure your vehicle.


If you’re arrested for driving under the influence, you may be detained pending a trial in court. To escape detention, you’ll need to post bail.


If you have sufficient funds to cover bail, or a member of your family does, you should recover this cost as long as you don’t breach the terms of your bail agreement.

However, if you need to use a bail bondsman, this will add to your expenses.

Additional Costs

Some states have additional requirements when it comes to DUI convicts. One of the most common is a treatment or rehabilitation course.

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Even if the state mandates one of these courses, you’ll have to pay for it yourself. The cost of such a course is generally between $1,000 to $3,000.

Going Into a DUI Charge With Your Eyes Open

So, how much does a DUI cost? The answer to this question requires you to take a broad view. The fine itself is unfortunately only part of the cost associated with the charge.

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