About 170 million adults in the US already take supplements to fulfill gaps in their diet. Another 98% take vitamins and minerals as well.

Are you making an effort to improve your overall health this year? By adding vitamins to your new diet plan and find the right supplement, you can achieve your health goals! Vitamins help ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs.

Not sure where to start? Here are five tips you can use before you start taking vitamins. With these tips, you can develop a plan with your goals in mind.


Start boosting your health with these tips today.

1. Talk to Your Doctor

Before you start taking vitamins on your own, speak with your doctor. Ask if they can complete a blood test to determine the types of vitamins you need. You might not realize you’re deficient in a specific vitamin otherwise.

Your doctor can also tell you if your vitamins will interact with any medications you’re taking.

2. Determine the Dose

While you’re at the doctor’s office, work with them to develop a plan for your long-term health. They can help you set a schedule for vitamins based on your unique needs. For example, you might need to start taking vitamins before eating or going to bed.

What about the dose? Your doctor can help you determine your daily recommended intake (DRI) for each vitamin, too.

Working with your doctor will ensure you’re taking vitamins to benefit your overall health.

3. Take as Instructed

Make sure to read the label of any vitamin you purchase. Will the vitamins interact with any foods you eat? You’ll need to take some with food and others on an empty stomach.

Remember, some medications and vitamins can interact. Check the label for any warnings, too.

For example, you should avoid taking a B3 vitamin with cholesterol medications. If you need to take calcium, your body might struggle to absorb iron.

4. Look for Quality Products

The quality of each vitamin depends on how it’s manufactured. The FDA doesn’t regulate supplements as strictly as pharmaceuticals.

Look for products that have approval from ConsumerLab.com, US Pharmacopeia, and NSF International. These certifications can help you focus on the best products available. Otherwise, you could end up with something full of fillers.

You can learn how to buy vitamins online here.

5. Don’t Neglect Your Diet

Vitamins are supposed to help you achieve your health goals. Still, you can’t replace over-the-counter supplements for a healthy diet.

Make sure you’re not replacing real food for vitamins. Instead, vitamins should help ensure you reach the amount you need each day.

About one in three Americans follow a specific eating pattern. What you eat can help you get the vitamins and minerals you need. Talk to your doctor about your diet to determine which vitamins you’re neglecting.

Crush Your Health Goals: 5 Tips for Taking Vitamins During a Diet


Ready to improve your long-term health? With these five tips for taking vitamins, you can start your new diet on the right foot. Achieve your weight loss goals and improve your health with these tips today.

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