The primary method of protecting a person from electromagnetic radiation is shielding.
Shielding is also the primary method of protection in various fields of technology – electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment, protection against solid electromagnetic fields, security of information processing facilities and systems to prevent information leakage through technical channels.

The most common way to protect a person and technical equipment by the shielding method is to create shielded rooms.

The primary method of protecting a person from electromagnetic radiation is shielding.
Shielding is also the primary method of protection in various fields of technology – electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment, protection against solid electromagnetic fields, security of information processing facilities and systems to prevent information leakage through technical channels.

The most common way to protect a person and technical equipment by the shielding method is to create shielded rooms.

Magnesia-Shungite Building Materials for Nuclear Shielding

An anti-electrostatic shielding floor protects a person from electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range, static electricity, electric fields of industrial frequency.

It is indispensable in solving problems of electromagnetic compatibility of technical means, protecting information processing facilities and systems, excluding information leakage through technical channels, and protecting the population from deliberate electromagnetic force (electromagnetic terrorism).

Furthermore, it protects a person from electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range, static electricity, electric fields of industrial frequency.

It is indispensable in solving problems of electromagnetic compatibility of technical means, protecting information processing facilities and systems, excluding information leakage through technical channels, and protecting the population from deliberate electromagnetic force (electromagnetic terrorism).


An affordable and reliable way to protect against EMI

Scientific and technological progress continuously opens up unprecedented opportunities and prospects for humanity. Its steady development requires the constant expansion of equipment that generates electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Not being a natural environment, these fields, with specific power and duration of exposure, pose a real threat to people, flora, and fauna.

The problems posed by EMF are not limited to biological aspects.

These fields can cause malfunctions in electronic equipment. Since many technical devices are accompanied by spurious electromagnetic radiation, it becomes necessary to ensure their electromagnetic compatibility.

Besides, when technical means are used to process information of limited access.

Another factor of threats to information security is the possibility of deliberate electromagnetic influence (“electromagnetic terrorism”) on the operation of critical facilities. The potential vulnerability of information systems to accidental and intentional adverse effects requires adopting adequate protective measures.

One of the leading engineering and technical protection methods from EMF is their shielding in places where a person stays. Usually, we are talking about two types of shielding: shielding EMF sources from people and shielding people from EMF sources.

The protective properties of the screens are based on the effect of reducing the tension and distorting the electric field in the space near a grounded metal object. Protection against EMF involves reducing their intensity to levels that do not exceed the maximum permissible.

The permissible levels of electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic energy flux density) are reflected in the regulations established by the competent authorities depending on the EMF range. Laws can vary significantly from country to country.