Did you know that termites alone cost cause over $5 billion in damages to property in the United States every year? That number doesn’t account for other destructive household pests like rodents or ants and other bugs.

Keep reading to learn about 4 signs of a pest infestation that you should never ignore.

Pest Control

1. Dirty or Oily Spots on the Walls or Furniture

Household pests like rats and mice have greasy skin and coats. So when they squeeze through openings in the wall, run behind furniture, or simply rub against objects in your home, they leave oily marks. These dirty trails help rodents navigate, and the more they pass by, the darker the patterns get.

Rodents also carry crumbs along the floor and dispose of their waste wherever they are. Signs of rodents like dirty floors and corners are common.

2. Musky Odors

Many things, pest-related or not, can cause musky odors in your home. However, the scents left behind by household pests tend to be distinct from other issues like mold or mildew. Insects like cockroaches, ants, beetles, and such release odors like rotten food when killed.

Mice “urine pillars” are foul-smelling mounds of accumulated urine, oil, dirt, and fur. They indicate signs of a serious pest problem or an ongoing infestation. These pillars give off a strong ammonia-like odor.

Rodents or hoarding bugs carry food to nests or enclosed areas to eat. As a result, uneaten crumbs or lost pieces may expire, causing a stink that is hard to locate.

3. Damage to Upholstery or Fabric

Insects like moths, bed bugs, beetles, silverfish, and ants are known to wreak havoc on fabric and upholstered furniture. Even termites will eat through cloth, especially cotton.

When inspecting your furniture or fabric, look for small holes, scratch marks, and tiny black or brownish-red stains. Droppings left behind by insects can be smaller than poppy seeds.

To check for bugs, use a pair of white rubber gloves, a flashlight, and magnifying glass. Lay a white sheet out on the floor, place the offending piece of furniture, and use your gloved hands or a plastic card to scrape the surface and creases toward the sheet.

The magnifying glass will help you look at the debris that falls out to see if you are dealing with bed bugs or other creatures.

Destructive insects like bed bugs are more common in the summer. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify this type of infestation to stop the damage before it spreads.

4. Nests

The most common area to find nests and spider webs in your home is dark, damp areas like basements. Rodents use materials like cotton, fabric scraps, shredded paper, plant material, and wall insulation to make nests. They often look like loose piles of debris.

Ants and termites are next to impossible to track down in your home; however, you may see where they have been. Look for piles of wood shavings and discarded parts like wings, skins, or legs. Lastly, search for spider webs in wall corners, beams, and behind appliances.

Keep an Eye Out for These Signs of a Pest Infestation

Ignoring a pest infestation could leave you with massive costs of property damage. Now that you know these 4 signs, like dirty spots on the walls or furniture, musky odor, furniture and fabric damage, and nesting, you can eliminate the issue before it gets out of hand.

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